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Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

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1 Overcoming Gender Stereotypes
Safe Dates Session 6 Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

2 Respect each others opinions
Classroom Rules Respect each others opinions Listen to each other ( No talking while someone else is speaking) No Names 1 person is talking at time No Laughing

3 Learner Outcomes Understand that they and other people hold specific images of dating relationships Describe how the images people hold influence their interactions in a dating relationship Identify the harmful consequences of gender stereotyping Explain the role that gender stereotyping plays in a dating relationship

4 3 ways gender stereotyping may lead to abuse
Stereotypes may support abusive behavior ( such as “ women should be submissive to men” ). Stereotypes people hold of their own gender may encourage them to use abuse ( such as “men have to act tough” ). Stereotypes people hold of their partner’s gender may give them reason to be abusive ( for example, a young women becomes angry and abusive with her boyfriend because he isn’t rich enough, tough enough, or athletic enough).

5 Intro We have discussed what types of actions are abusive and why people may act in abusive ways We’ve also discussed how to help a friend in they are being abused or they are abusing someone Today we will be discussing: gender stereotypes, communication skills, positive ways to respond to anger and jealousy, and how to prevent sexual assault

6 Associations Male Boy Man Guy Father boyfriend Female Girl Women
Brainstorming Exercise Male Boy Man Guy Father boyfriend Female Girl Women Mother Girlfriend

7 Unfair expectations Its normal to have expectations of ourselves, others, and of relationships Sometimes though certain expectations may be unfair i.e. Father expects his son to be the best football player, boyfriend expects his girlfriend to wait by the phone for his call Unfair expectations may make you angry, sad, insecure, and frustrated When was the last time someone had an unfair expectation of you? Remember those feelings you had when someone had an unfair expectation of you

8 Images and where they come from
Understand that we have images of how people should act in relationships and that these images are created by and transmitted throughout our society in many different ways Where do you think most teens get their images of what dating relationships should be like?

9 Gender Stereotypes Gender stereotypes that we knowingly or unknowingly hold affect the way we think about interactions between men and women As a result we create expectations about the way bf/gf’s should act Scenario 1: Chris likes Alex and wants to go on a date Chris is a boy. What does he do? Chris is a girl. What does she do? Scenario 2: Chris and Alex have been dating for 2 months. Chris finds out Alex is seeing someone else Scenario 3: Chris and Alex go on a date to the movies. Who pays for the movie? Why?

10 Gender Stereotypes ( Continued)
Scenario 4: Chris and Alex go to Chris’s house at the end of the date. Chris is a boy. What does he do? Chris is a girl. What does she do? Why do you think people use stereotypes? How do you feel about dating stereotypes? Do you agree with them? Do you follow them? Why or why not?

11 Stereotyping Leads to abuse
Scenario 1: Jason and Megan What stereotypes does Jason hold of females? What stereotypes does Jason hold of males? Did Megan hold any stereotypes? Did Jason’s friends hold any stereotypes?

12 Stereotyping Leads to abuse ( Continued)
Scenario 2: Tyrone and Nicole What stereotypes does Nicole hold of males? What stereotypes does Nicole hold on females? Did Tyrone hold any stereotypes?

13 Conclusion Television, movies, songs, parents, and friends reflect how people are “ supposed” to act in our society Stereotypes can be both positive and negative Trying to live up to certain stereotypes or expecting a partner to live up to certain stereotypes may cause conflicts When in a relationship, think about your expectations for your bf/gf. Are they fair and reasonable, or are your expectations based on gender stereotypes?

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