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 Muscles are attached to bone or connective tissue at no less than 2 points  Origin- Muscle is attached to the immovable or less movable bone  Insertion.

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Presentation on theme: " Muscles are attached to bone or connective tissue at no less than 2 points  Origin- Muscle is attached to the immovable or less movable bone  Insertion."— Presentation transcript:


2  Muscles are attached to bone or connective tissue at no less than 2 points  Origin- Muscle is attached to the immovable or less movable bone  Insertion – Attached to the moveable bone  During contraction the insertion moves toward the origin

3  Flexion: Decreases angle between bones Bending the joint  Extension: Increases the angle between bones Straightening the joint

4  Abduction: move AWAY from the midline  Adduction: move TOWARD the midline

5  Rotation: Movement of bone around a longitudinal axis  Circumduction: Proximal end stationary while distal end moves in a circle

6  Pronation: Moving hand from anterior to posterior position Radius over ulna  Supination: Hand from posterior to anterior Radius and Ulna parallel

7  Inversion: Sole of foot turned medially  Eversion: Sole of foot turned laterally

8  Dorsiflexion: Instep of foot moved up toward shin Standing on heels  Plantar flexion: Toes pointed downward

9 Type of jointDescriptionExample Synarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Diarthrosis Type of synovial joint Type of movement allowed Example from the body Plane/Gliding Hinge Pivot Condyloid Saddle Ball and Socket

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