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Draw the following: Line AB Line segment BC Ray FG.

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Presentation on theme: "Draw the following: Line AB Line segment BC Ray FG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draw the following: Line AB Line segment BC Ray FG

2 LEQ: How do we classify angles?

3  An angle is the union of two rays that share a common endpoint.

4  There are 4 ways to name an angle:   CED   DEC EE 33

5  Acute angles have measures between 0 and 90 degrees

6  Right angles have measures of exactly 90 degrees (indicated by a small square)

7  Obtuse angles have measures between 90 and 180 degrees

8  Straight Angle – an angle measuring 180 degrees

9 Right angle Straight angle Acute angle Obtuse angle

10  Congruent angles are angles of the same measure(indicated by identical markings)

11  Similar to the ruler postulate, if point B is in the interior of  AOC, then m  COB+m  BOA=m  COA  (<AOC)

12  Vertical angles are opposite congruent angles created by the intersection of two lines <1 and <3 are vertical angles <2 and <4 are vertical angles


14  Adjacent angles are angles that share a common side, common vertex, and no common interior points.  <KIH and <KIJ are adjacent angles

15  Complementary angles are two angles who’s measures sum to 90 .  <TSU and <USV are complementary angles.  If m<TSU=42 , what is m<USV?  <TSU is the complement of <USV

16  Supplementary angles are two angles who’s measures sum to 180 .  <TSU and <USV are supplementary angles.  <TSU is the supplement of <USV.  If m<TSU=120 , what is m<USV?

17  Use the adjacent angles below to solve the following: m<HOK = 4x-6, m <KOB=6x+2, find x and m<HOK.

18  Line up the bottom of the protractor with a side of the angle and center of angle with center of protractor. Extend the line of the other side and read the degree.



21 p.40-41, 1-8,15,17,19,24-32 odds,43,45

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