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How to Study for Exams and Improve Your Grades

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1 How to Study for Exams and Improve Your Grades
STUDY SKILLS How to Study for Exams and Improve Your Grades   “Learn the Keys to Success” Bur Oak Secondary School Guidance Department

2 Find out exactly what is required for the exam
Ask your teacher what the exam will cover and what kind of questions may be asked Ask your teacher what aids you may use e.g. cheat sheets, calculators, ruler, pencil Get copies of previous exams and/or questions Get together with a motivated study group

3 Mark your exam dates on the Calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 EQAO Math Testing 16 EQAO Math Testing 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exams End 29 Exam Review Day 30 PD Day 31 1 2 Semester 2 Begins Morning Exams begin at 8:20 am Afternoon Exams begin at 12:20 pm

4 The following suggestions will help you improve your study skills:
SETUP A SCHEDULE Use a calendar to plan your study time, recreation and social activities. For classes that are harder, make sure you give yourself more time to study. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

5 The following suggestions will help you improve your study skills:
FIND A GOOD LOCATION Make sure the place is comfortable, but not too comfortable. Sitting at a desk or table is best. Avoid lying across the bed. You want to try to study in the same type of situation that you will be testing. This helps with remembering the things you studied for the test.

6 The following suggestions will help you improve your study skills:
MAKE SURE IT IS A QUIET PLACE. Having a quiet place to study is also important. Playing your favourite CD, or radio station, or even the TV will get in the way of you concentrating on your studies. USE THE SAME PLACE FOR STUDYING. This will help you with your memory when it is time for a test. It will also help you to concentrate better, because you will be in a routine or habit of studying in the same place.

7 The following suggestions will help you improve your study skills:
TAKE BREAKS. Take breaks when studying. Do not attempt to cram! Study small portions of material, take a break and then study some more. You do not want to get burned out! REWARD YOURSELF. If you have stuck to your study plan; reward yourself by watching TV or a movie, playing X-Box or surfing the Internet. You are more likely to study again and concentrate if you know there is a reward at the end of completing a task

8 The Most Important Study Tip
Do not wait until the NIGHT before an exam to study! You should be regularly reviewing your notes, but the preparation still takes time.

9 On Exam Day Be well rested and eat a healthy breakfast
Be confident; a positive attitude is an asset This may seem silly, but go to the bathroom just before the exam Arrive at the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam Don’t talk to other students before the exam, they may confuse you Bring the necessary writing materials to the test, two pens, a pencil, eraser, white-out, ruler, calculator (if allowed)

10 Before you Write the Exam
Look over the entire exam, this will give you an overview of what is expected of you Read all directions carefully Determine how many questions you must do to complete the exam Schedule your time according to the marking scheme

11 WRITING THE EXAM Use all available time.
Check each question one at a time. Information for other answers may jump in your mind Proofread your answers. Make sure that you write your name on the exam paper. Don’t watch other students. A fast finisher may know very little!

12 Multiple Choice Questions
Read the questions carefully and always try to guess the answer before you look at the choices If you are unsure, eliminate what it can’t be and try to remember if any of the answers left are related to that subject Make a logical guess Never leave a question blank; you have a % chance of getting it right by guessing

13 Short Answer Questions
Read the question carefully! Ask yourself, what are they specifically asking? Give a specific clear to the point explanation. Use examples from your textbook, class or the real world.

14 Essay Questions Read the question carefully!
Underline key words in the question. Before you begin writing, jot down all your ideas and organize them into an essay plan. Don't write your essay off the top of your head! Structure your essay: introduction, the body and the conclusion. Try to write as legibly as possible.

15 Learning Styles If you needed to learn how to operate your new Ipod, how would you go about doing so? a) Read the instructions b) Listen to the store clerk, or a friend who has one, explain how to work it c) Play around and figure it out

16 Learning Styles Continued..
You can remember a list of items best if you: a) Write them down b) Recite the list to yourself c) Use your fingers to count the items off.

17 Learning Styles Continued…
If you chose a) you are likely a visual learner If you chose b) you are likely an auditory learner If you chose c) you are likely a tactile learner **If you had two different letters you have a combination of learning styles.

18 Study tips for your learning style
Visual Learners - Read notes, read headings in a book, look at diagrams and illustrations - Use colour-coded highlighting Auditory Learners - Have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself - Join or create a study group, or get a study partner Tactile Learners - Write notes out on index cards and make models or diagrams - Use flash cards to memorize

19 Tips to Improve Your Memory
 Acronyms: Acronyms are making a word from the first letter of each word that is to be memorized. EXAMPLE H= Huron O = Ontario M = Michigan E = Erie S = Superior

20 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Acrostics: Acrostics are phases or poems in which the first letter of each word or line functions as a cue to help you recall the words that you are trying to remember. EXAMPLE “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” is used to remember the order of operations in Math. Please = Parentheses. Excuse = Exponents. My Dear = Multiplication and/or Division Aunt Sally = Addition and/or Subtraction

21 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Map or Charts: Use mind maps or charts to organize your information. This visually helps you to remember. Imagery: Draw or imagine a picture of what’s being studied, or find one in a book. Mentally refer to the picture when you are testing.

22 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Rehearse: Verbally repeat or rehearse the information over and over again until you know it! Take a short break and then test yourself again. Highlighters: Use highlighters to review your notes. If they are colour coded, underlined or highlighted it may help you to remember based on visual stimulation. The capital of Canada is Ottawa

23 Exam Anxiety A moderate degree of anxiety is common and can actually be helpful in that it can motivate you and keep you focused. If your anxiety is so high that you can’t concentrate or are feeling panicked, it is time to do something about it. Talk to your parents, your teachers or a Guidance Counsellor Lastly remember to Breathe….and remain positive

24 Things to Remember on Exam Day
Eat a healthy breakfast Arrive at least 15 minutes before your exam Go to the washroom before the exam begins If you arrive late go directly to the exam room If there is bad weather – listen to the radio for instructions If you are sick, call the school; you must present a medical certificate but you may still be required to write your exam at a later date Bring your textbooks Quiet study in the library only! During exams students may be in the cafeteria but not the hallways – this includes your lockers

25 GOOD LUCK It’s not luck but hard work that leads to success! Just keep up the effort and see your marks fly high!

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