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Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences Word study:  advance v. to move or come forward; to develop or to improve to improve China is advancing rapidly in industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences Word study:  advance v. to move or come forward; to develop or to improve to improve China is advancing rapidly in industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences Word study:  advance v. to move or come forward; to develop or to improve to improve China is advancing rapidly in industry. (vi.) China is advancing rapidly in industry. (vi.) This will further advance the friendly relations This will further advance the friendly relations between the two countries. (vt.) between the two countries. (vt.) advance n. forward movement; a development or advance n. forward movement; a development or improvement improvement There were so many people that our advance was There were so many people that our advance was slow. slow.

2  a a dvanced adj. far on in development; modern (in ideas, way of living, etc.) M ost people find her advanced ideas difficult to accept. S ome of our products have reached advanced world levels. Y ou should pay the rent in advance. in advance (of) means “before in time or in front (of)”

3  seize v. to take hold of eagerly, quickly, or forcefully; to take possession of; to attack or take control of (someone’s body or mind) The host seized my hand and shook it heartily. In some states, angry people rose and seized food and arms. I can’t quite seize your meaning. Seize the day, seize the hour! 只争朝夕 !

4  strike v. (struck, struck stricken) The angry man struck the table with his fist. I was struck/stricken by the beauty of nature. SARS struck both China and some other countries in 2003. He was struck by a mad dog yesterday. Strike while the iron is hot. An idea suddenly struck me. go on strike go on with the strike be on strike 举行罢工继续罢工在罢工

5 take place: happen (no passive voice) When and where will the wedding take place? Great changes have taken place in my hometown. look into: to examine the meaning or causes of The soldier looked into the house, but he found nothing. The police are looking into the accident.

6 refer to: to mention; speak about; to look at for information When you meet a new word, you can refer to the dictionary. The speaker referred to his notes several times during the speech. What I have to say refers to all of you. get on one’s feet: struggle to one’s feet Everybody stood up to applaud, I got on my feet, hoarse completely hoarse. 每个人都站起来鼓掌, 我站起来, 嗓子全哑了.

7 Reading Questions: 1. What did Flora see at the very beginning? She saw a wall of water advancing towards her. 2. What were Flora’s first two feelings when she turned around and saw the water coming? Surprise and wonder 3. Why was Jeff looking for the chimney? Because the chimney is the strongest part of the house.

8 4. How much damage did the flood cause? The garden was swept away and the trees were cut down by the flood; A part of the house had gone down and the floor moved up and down under their feet. 5. What’s the result? Flora and Jeff managed to save themselves with their strong will by struggling.

9 Now, let’s enjoy a part of a

10 Discussion If you meet with a flood, what will you do?

11 Tell the story in your own words: (You can refer to the following points.) running and waving turn around advancing towards swept down struggle for try to climb fall down safe

12 First Flora saw Jeff running and waving his arms. She turned around and saw a wall of water advancing towards her quickly. Next the water swept Jeff and Flora down and they were struggling for their lives. Then they tried to get to the house and climbed the stairs to be safe from the water.

13 Finally part of the house fell down but they were safe next to the chimney. How does a flood happen? Where does a flood usually happen? It is raining heavily and continuously and the riverway is blocked in low-lying places. A flood usually happens in the south and east of Asia, which is the place that is often struck by the flood.

14 Grammar: The Attributive Clause 定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或 代词的从句叫做定语从句。 This is the company that/which we visited last Sunday. The man who/that is standing there is our headmaster.

15 定语从句中最关键的是 。先行词和关系词 We visited the man who had saved the girl. 在句中被定语从句修饰的词就是先行词。 在句中连接先行词和定语从句的词就是关 系词。关系词一般有两种:关系代词和关 系副词。 关系代词在句中可作主语、宾语、表语 和定语。

16 Who is the man that you talked to just now. He was completely trusted, which in fact, he was. I’d like a room whose windows face south. 关系副词在句中只作状语。 ( 下个单元再 详细介绍 ) Practise: P26. Grammar P105. Grammar

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