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BELLRINGER:  Complete the following task on a separate sheet of paper. Please set this paper up Cornell Note style.  Choose three words from the “Tone.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLRINGER:  Complete the following task on a separate sheet of paper. Please set this paper up Cornell Note style.  Choose three words from the “Tone."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLRINGER:  Complete the following task on a separate sheet of paper. Please set this paper up Cornell Note style.  Choose three words from the “Tone Word List” that you do not know. Write them at the top of your paper and define them.  Be ready to start our discussion on tone soon.

2 TONE LECTURE  Tone  The author, narrator, or speaker’s attitude toward the subject.  AA: Author’s Attitude (way to remember)  Created by author’s word choice (diction), figurative language, and imagery  What does it mean when a parent says, “Don’t give me that tone!” You, as the speaker, portrayed your attitude on the subject. If it was negative, you probably heard that response from your parents.

3 WHAT IS THE TONE?  Using your “Tone Word List,” identify the tone of the following movie clips. Use the sentence stem to complete your sentence in your notes:  The tone of the movie preview for “Scary Mary” is _____________________. The director created a _____________ tone by including ________________________________________________________________________.“Scary Mary”  The tone of the movie preview for “Lurk and Lurker” is _____________________. The director created a _____________ tone by including _______________________________________________________________.“Lurk and Lurker”  The tone of the movie preview for “The Shining” is _____________________. The director created a _____________ tone by including _____________________________________________________________.“The Shining”

4 EXCERPT FROM LORD OF THE FLIES  “The first rhythm that they became to was the slow swing from dawn to quick dusk. They accepted the pleasures of morning, the bright sun, the whelming sea and sweet air, as a time when play was good and life so full that hope was not necessary and therefore forgotten. Toward noon, as the floods of light fell more nearly to the perpendicular, the stark colors of the morning were smoothed in pearl and opalescence; and the heat- as though the impending sun’s height gave it momentum- became a blow that they ducked, running to the shade and lying there, perhaps even sleeping” (Golding 48).

5 WHAT IS THE TONE?  The tone of the excerpt from Lord of the Flies is _____________________. The author created a _____________ tone by including imagery such as “ ________________________” and “_______________________”. This tone creates a mood of __________ which allows the reader to ____________________ _______________________________.

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