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Searching for Information: advanced Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, University of Bath Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching for Information: advanced Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, University of Bath Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching for Information: advanced Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, University of Bath Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2010

2 Which database gives information about which articles cite/acknowledge other articles? 1.PubMed 2.Web of Knowledge 3.PsycINFO

3 Which database provides related articles i.e. other articles which include same references 1.PubMed 2.Web of Knowledge 3.PsycINFO

4 Which database provides limits options for gender, age groups, qualitative research etc 1.PubMed 2.Web of Knowledge 3.PsycINFO

5 Which of the following would you like to see demonstrated? i.e. quick recap & a couple of new features 1.Web of Knowledge 2.PubMed 3.Both the above 4.Neither

6 Which of the following do you search? 1.PsycINFO 2.Cochrane Library 3.Both the above 4.Neither

7 Which resource would you use to find systematic reviews? 1.PsycINFO 2.Cochrane Library

8 Have you used the following to manage your results/references? 1.Endnote 2.Endnote Web 3.Neither

9 When looking for additional books beyond those recommended, do you: 1.Browse books at a particular shelf mark 2.Enter keywords in the Catalogues Anywhere field 3.Both 4.Neither

10 Search anywhere fields to find books beyond your reading list: Enter keywords in anywhere to search titles, tables of contents… I changed 2nd field to anywhere: 1 st defaults to this Can try truncating e.g. exercis$ also finds exercises, exercising..

11 Searching Databases …for articles beyond your reading list

12 To access the databases: visit Library website: for SES resources, now go to Health

13 Health Resources

14 Full list of health databases

15 Entering keywords: wildcards? & American spellings You can also save time by adding a wildcard in place of a specific letter: the database will then search for any letter in the place of the wildcard For example: wom ? n finds women, woman Also think of how English spellings differ to American spellings of the same word: you may have to enter both versions e.g. metre meter colour color fibre fiber

16 Advanced truncation in Web of Knowledge: truncating within phrases In many databases, add an asterisk * at the end of the stem of a word/phrase to find variations e.g. physical * activ * finds: physically active physical activity physical activities

17 How would you best truncate the phrase intrinsic motivation in order to retrieve variations? 1.intrinsic motivation* 2.intrinsic* motiv* 3.intrinsically motivating*

18 How would you combine keywords if searching for articles about sprinting in relation to nutrition? 1.nutri* AND sprint* 2.nutri* OR sprint* 3.nutrition for sprinters

19 In PubMed: which keywords would you enter for articles about hypoxia and marathon running? 1.(hypoxia AND hypoxic) OR marathon 2.(hypoxia OR hypoxic) marathon 3.hypoxic marathon runners

20 Before you search a database: select keywords / search terms that you need to enter When you do a keyword search, a database looks for your chosen keywords within the record of an article e.g. the articles title & its abstract/summary To choose keywords: identify 2 or 3+ concepts related to your assignment/project title e.g. investigate to what extent self-determination can influence the physical activity patterns of those who are overweight

21 For each concept: think of a separate set of alternative/narrower/broader keywords & alternative/plural spellings: check lecture notes etc… overweight obesity weight others? self- determination intrinsic motivation others? physical activity physical education exercise sport athletics others?

22 Use AND where you want each result to include ALL the concepts youve identified e.g. each result must include both self-determination AND physical activity Only interested in the overlapping results below physical activity self-determination

23 Use OR to connect alternative keywords that describe one specific concept e.g. so each result features one OR other of: self-determination OR intrinsic motivation self-determination intrinsic motivation

24 overweight OR obestity OR weight self- determination OR intrinsic motivation physical activity OR physical education OR exercise OR sport OR athletics AND

25 Searching databases: Web of Knowledge, PubMed Cochrane & PsycINFO

26 Searching Enter each set of keywords for each separate concept in a separate search field e.g. Field 1: self determin* OR intrinsic* motivat* Field 2: physical* activ* OR physical education OR exercis* OR sport* OR athlet* Field 3: overweight OR obes* OR weight If best to search for an exact phrase: use speech marks

27 Web of Knowledge homepage: a basic keyword search Search defaults to AND between fields: dont need to enter AND E nsure topic is selected for all fields: enter separate concept in each

28 Results: can sort by relevance, times cited, publication date… Also refine results by document type i.e. review articles

29 Click on a title for more information including abstract/summary

30 Full record: check abstract for article summary Can click on cited by to find articles which refer to this article i.e. find another perspective to build upon your argument Can also set up citation alert to get emails about future citing articles

31 Full record might give you idea for additional/different keywords Related Records = other articles which share same references Full article available to you? click on Sometimes you may also see

32 If too many results you could limit your search to title-only or more recent articles: then return to a fuller search later

33 SAME: finds both keywords in close proximity: useful for finding lots of variations of the same phrase

34 You can open & re-run previous in order to update results without need re-enter keywords Search History: save current sessions history: youll be asked to sign in (register the first time). Then in the future, you can open your saved history & re-run it. Sign in also to create citation alerts.

35 If re-run this search just within Web of Science (a sub- database of Web of Knowledge): you can set up an email alert while saving your history i.e. youll get a weekly/monthly email featuring any new articles which relate to your previous searchs keywords

36 Save & email records of interest: 1. tick selected results 2. After checked each page of results, click Add to Marked List 3. After all results, click Marked List

37 Save &email results as HTML format: easier to read Save to file = saving to laptop, USB stick, Endnote Web...

38 Can also save to Endnote Web: saves references from multiple databases into one resource: once records processed, click on MyEndnote Web: best to have first signed in / registered

39 EndnoteWeb: free to use: currently can keep your references for up to 1 year post-uni of Bath course

40 Editable full reference: you can add notes further down

41 Collect tab: can import references from other databases too e.g. from a PubMed file youve saved: these are then added to My References page

42 Organize tab: can set up different groups of references for different assignments…

43 Format tab: can choose & save the nearest relevant bibliographic style for reformatting your references: may need to manually edit references just before submit assignment

44 Endnote Web You can then cite and write i.e. while you write a Word document, you can search for the paper for which youve saved a reference within Endnote Web (using the Endnote toolbar thats available via Word) Click on the toolbar option for finding your reference – the author & date then appear within your main text and also, the full reference is automatically added to your reference list

45 Use Endnote Web or Endnote? Endnote Web: Free access both on & off-campus Can keep references for duration of studies at Bath Uni but not in perpetuity Unable to select a specific Journal of Sports Sciences style… but you can select Harvard & then manually amend references: still saving time! Endnote: Can keep your references in perpetuity Features Journal of Sports Sciences reference style Free access on-campus but need to purchase own copy for off-campus c£50-60 Student discounted Endnote available via IT Purchasing Shop (L2 Library)

46 Develop your Information Skills: help with finding & evaluating information: note help with Endnote & Endnote Web: includes quick online training videos which demonstrate how to use them

47 PubMed: a health & medicine database Good idea to try searching with & without asterisks / speech marks: then check your range of results - & single form a word usually better than plural Sometimes better without an asterisk or speech marks as this enables PubMed to search for further words which might be related Only a single search field so use brackets to distinguish between sets of keywords: add a space between each set: no need to enter AND e.g. (self-determination OR intrinsic motivation) (physical activity OR physical education OR exercise) (obesity OR overweight)

48 PubMed homepage

49 Select results of interest to save or email via Send To Can also save a search & retrieve/update it in the future

50 Free full-text articles: its likely that other full-text articles will also be available: click on individual record to find out Review articles: these evaluate contents of multiple articles on a given topic: a good starting point for a literature review

51 Some records include a R.H. direct link to the full-text Try this link: otherwise, try search for journal title in Library Catalogue: easier than checking PubMeds link out service To limit your results: go to Advanced Search

52 Advanced search screen: scroll down for limits options e.g. gender, age group, type of article Ignore any full-text limit options: theyre not helpful

53 Exercise Search on a topic of your choice in at least two databases of your choice If searching Web of Knowledge: also look for any relevant Cited by & Related References If searching PubMed, try limiting results via Advanced search In any database: select and send a few results to your email account

54 Cochrane Library: systematic reviews Systematic reviews aim to evaluate a range of results from different trials by employing a standardised measure that takes different methodologies & group sizes into account All systematic reviews available in full To save records: use Export options

55 Cochrane Library : try advanced search where you can limit to systematic reviews

56 Can select to limit search to only retrieve systematic reviews

57 The review results: available in full-text via Save results via

58 PsycINFO: covers psychology literature inc. sports psychology Try multi-field search option Email & save options appear just above your results Note Limits option e.g. limit date range, population/age groups

59 After performed a search, scroll down screen for results & email/save options

60 Peter Bradley: Your Subject Librarian Office on Level 4 Other Librarians are also happy to help Any questions? Im here to help…

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