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Understanding the Internet Consumer The Digital Divide.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Internet Consumer The Digital Divide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Internet Consumer The Digital Divide

2 What Is the Digital Divide? Definition: The gap between the availability of Internet access to various segments of the population, between those who have easy access to the Net and those who have little or no access.

3 Different “Gaps” Old v. Young White v. Minority Rich v. Poor -Families -Nations

4 “An iPod Gets Thrown Into the Digital Divide” People over 65 are often not as connected as younger people Only 5 percent of Internet users are over 60 No incentive for older people to learn new technology Most of the consumer electronic are targeting at younger age group

5 “Crossing the ‘Digital Divide’” Black families – 50% use computers at home – 30% have Internet access at home White families – 85% use computers at home – 60% have Internet access at home Computers already too expensive for poor families & Internet access is an added expense Greater access will benefit all & improve quality of life

6 “’Digital Divide’ Narrowing Fast, World Bank Says” UN holding WSIS to handle digital divide However, World Bank says gap is closing Developing countries gaining access at incredible rate Digital Solidarity Fund to help finance infrastructure needed to close gap UN hopes greater access leads to elimination of poverty

7 Conclusion In the past, Internet access served to segregate people. However, studies are showing that the digital divide is narrowing. Since the Internet is getting popular, the division is diminishing and now attracts people of differing genders, ages, races, economic statuses, and other demographic characteristics.

8 Sources “Crossing the ‘Digital Divide’.” The Times Herald. 17 Feb 2005. (27 Feb 2005). 78&BRD=1672&PAG=461&dept_id=33380&rfi=8 “’Digital Divide’ Narrowing Fast, World Bank Says.” MSNBC News. 24 Feb 2005. (27 Feb 2005). Powell, Naomi. “An iPod Gets Thrown Into the Digital Divide.” Mercury Staff. 28 Dec 2004. (28 Feb 2005). Roberts, Mary Lou. Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2003. 172-174, 459.

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