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Deanne Kelleher United Dairy Industry of Michigan Whitney Vance Michigan Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Deanne Kelleher United Dairy Industry of Michigan Whitney Vance Michigan Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deanne Kelleher United Dairy Industry of Michigan Whitney Vance Michigan Department of Education

2 State Superintendent Flanagan’s First Fuel Breakfast Challenge




6 The Wellness Impact

7 Why Breakfast? Nutrition Benefits Higher nutrient intake Decreased food insecurity Less likely to be overweight or obese Fewer visits to school nurse




11 Breakfast is a Win-Win Healthy Kids = Healthy Schools Positive learning environment Students learn and perform better Lifelong healthy habits School breakfast supports health and academic achievement for all students

12 The Picture of Breakfast In MI Currently: 42.9% Breakfast:Lunch Participation Goal: 60% Breakfast:Lunch Participation equates to +$22.9M in federal reimbursement Mid-Challenge Report (2014) & Final Report (2015) will recognize: those who made significant progress, those who met the challenge, and those with stellar efforts

13 Let’s look at an example… School A currently serves 42,000 lunches annually. To meet the breakfast challenge, School A needs to serve 60% of 42,000 or 25,200 school breakfasts. Meal TypeApproximate Number of Meals Reimbursement Rate Total Paid26% x 25,200 = 6,552x 0.27 =$1,769.00 Reduced15% x 18,648 = 2,797x 1.5092 =$4,221.00 Free85% x 18,648 = 15,851x 1.8092 =$28,678.00 Total Reimbursement = $34,668.00

14 Breakfast in the Classroom What is it? Why do it? When does it work best? Pros/Cons

15 Breakfast after 1 st period What is it? Why do it? When does it work best? Pros/Cons

16 Grab-n-Go Breakfast What is it? Why do it? When does it work best? Pros/Cons

17 Breakfast Carts What is it? Why do it? When does it work best? Pros/Cons

18 Superintendent Contreras Syracuse City School District

19 What’s Next MDE: Score Card identifying breakfast:lunch participation TA to support increasing breakfast participation New Breakfast Meal Patterns Breakfast focus in Team Nutrition 2013 grant applications

20 What’s Next Outside Partners: Fuel Up To Play 60 (FUTP 60) 2013-2014 breakfast focus Last 2013-2014 Funding opportunity applications due November 1, 2013 Building Healthy Communities through Breakfast grants awarded to 75 schools MI Action for Healthy Kids Grants awarded to 5 schools Michigan No Kid Hungry working with teachers, principals, school foodservice directors, parents, and students Resources


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