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Question 1 How can you tell a chemical change occurred? A. Two substances are mixed together B. New atoms are being formed C. A new substance forms D.

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Presentation on theme: "Question 1 How can you tell a chemical change occurred? A. Two substances are mixed together B. New atoms are being formed C. A new substance forms D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 1 How can you tell a chemical change occurred? A. Two substances are mixed together B. New atoms are being formed C. A new substance forms D. A liquid is formed

2 Question 2 Noble gases found in group 18 are special because: A. They react very easily B. They always gain electrons C. They have the same number of energy levels D. They do not react

3 Question 3 P 3 + 3O 2  2 P 2 O 3 In the equation above, how many atoms of phosphorus are in the product? A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 5

4 Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a compound? A.O 2 B. NaCl C. H 2 O D. H 2 SO 4

5 Question 5 All of the following are evidences of a chemical reaction except: A. Solid Precipitate formed B. Boiling C. Temperature Change D. Gas Produced/Bubbling

6 Question 6 Which of these will balance the equation? 3Na 2 + 3CO 2  ________ + 6NaO A. CO 2 B. 3C C. 6C D. 6CO 2

7 Question 7 Which equation below represents the Law of Conservation of Mass? A. 2Ca + 2H 2 O  Ca 2 O + H 2 B. Al 2 SO 4 + O 2  2AlS + O 6 C. Mg (OH) 2  H 2 O 2 + Mg

8 Question 8 How many atoms are in 3H 2 SO 4 A. 3 B. 10 C. 21 D. 24

9 Question 9 How many neutrons does Sodium have?

10 Question 10 Which substance has the most elements? A. H 2 O 2 B. NaClO 4 C. O 2 D. 2H 2 O

11 Question 11 2HCl 3 + O 4 The 2 in front of the HCl 3 is called a coefficient. What does this tell us? A. There are 2 atoms of Hydrogen B. There are 6 molecules of HCl 3 C. There are 6 atoms of Chlorine D. There are 2 molecules of HCl 3

12 Question 12 20 ml of solution A is combined with 30 ml of solution B. A chemical reaction occurs where bubbles are produced. After the reaction, 40 ml of solution remains. How much gas is produced? A. 10 ml B. 30 ml C. 40 ml D. 50 ml l

13 Question 13 What season is it in the southern hemisphere in diagram A?

14 Question 14 Which of the following represents the highest tides? A. B. C. D. All of the positions

15 Question 15 An element has a metallic-gray appearance. It also has the properties of both a metal and a nonmetal. In which section of the periodic table would the element most likely be found? (which color section)

16 Question 16 Which characteristic below is true of nonmetals? A.They are opaque B.They are good conductors of electricity C.They have a high luster D.They are very brittle

17 Question 17 A lunar eclipse happens because: A. The moon passes directly behind the earth B. The moon orbits the earth in an elliptical pattern C. The moon passes directly between the sun and earth D. The shadow of the moon blocks the earth

18 Question 18 Why does the earth experience seasons? A. The earth spins on its tilted axis B. The earth rotates around the sun C. The sun hits the equator more directly D. The earth revolves around the sun

19 Question 19 A student observes some sugar as it is heated and burns. The student concludes that a chemical reaction has occurred. Which of the following observations about the burning sugar provides evidence of a chemical reaction? A Heat is added to the sugar crystals. B The sugar melts and becomes a liquid. C The temperature of the sugar increases. D Gas is produced as the sugar turns black.

20 Question 20 Between what two points will the moon appear to change from a quarter moon to a new moon? A. S to T B. T to Q C. Q to R D. R to S

21 Question 21 How many valence electrons are in an atom with an atomic number of 6? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

22 Question 22 Groups on the periodic table tell us: A. The number of energy levels B. The number of protons & electrons C. The number of valence electrons D. Whether an element is a metal or non-metal

23 Question 23 Name this moon phase

24 Question 24 Which two subatomic particles contribute the most to the mass of an atom? A. Protons and electrons B. Protons and neutrons C. Neutrons and electrons D. Protons and photons

25 Question 25 Earth’s land areas, oceans, and atmosphere maintain fairly constant average temperatures. What is the best explanation for these constant average temperatures? A. Earth’s Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere have opposite seasons. B. Earth is tilted and rotates daily on its axis. C. The continuous motion of air and water distributes the sun’s energy. D. Global weather systems generally move from west to east.

26 Question 26 How many protons does Sodium (Na) contain? A. 11 B. 23 C. 12 D. 1

27 Question 27 What moon phase will an observer from Earth see at position 4?

28 Question 28 Which of the following correctly lists the particles in a helium atom? A. 1 proton, 1 neutron, 1 electron B. 1 proton, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons C. 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons D. 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 4 electrons

29 Question 29 All elements in the same period have the: A. Same number of valence electrons B. Same number of energy levels C. Same atomic number D. Same number of total electrons

30 Question 30 Which subatomic particle determines the identity of the element? A. Neutrons B. Protons C. Electrons D. Valence Electrons

31 Question 31 If an atom has 18 Protons and 22 Neutrons, approximately what is its atomic mass? A. 40 amu B. 4 amu C. 18 amu D. 8 amu

32 Question 32 Which of the following groups of elements from the periodic table belong to a classification of elements that tend to all have properties that include malleability, easily corroded, good conductors of electricity, and luster? A. Group 12 B. Group 14 C. Group 17 D. Group 18

33 Question 33 How many valence electrons does Nitrogen have? A. 2 B. 5 C. 15 D. 7

34 Question 34 Which of the following elements is the most reactive? A. Bromine B. Krypton C. Nitrogen D. Potassium

35 Question 35 Which element is least reactive? A. Mercury B. Sodium C. Calcium D. Argon

36 Question 36 What moon phase will an observer from Earth see at position 8?

37 Question 37 High pressure systems are associated with: A. Sunny, warmer days B. Sunny, cooler days C. Cloudy, warmer days D. Cloudy, cooler days

38 Question 38 The southwestern tip of the African coast has a cooler climate than cities more inland. Why is this true? A.It is closer to the equator B.It receives less rainfall C.Its climate is cooler due to a cold front D.Its climate is cooler due to the cold ocean current

39 Question 39 How will the weather change as you drive from Austin to El Paso, TX? A.Stormy weather due to a low pressure system B.Warmer weather from driving away from the cold front C.Cooler weather from driving into a cold front D.Cooler weather due to a high pressure system

40 Question 40 In a convection current, cold air will sink below warmer air, therefore pushing the warmer air upward. What can be said about the density of cold air versus warm air? A.Cold air is less dense because the molecules are moving around faster B.Cold air is more dense because the molecules are moving around slower C.Cold air is more dense and will rise D.Cold air is less dense because the molecules are moving around slower

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