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Bell Quiz: Use Pages 11-13 and 20-21 1) List the 5 main characteristics shared by civilizations? 2) Name the 4 River Valley civilizations. 3) How many.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Quiz: Use Pages 11-13 and 20-21 1) List the 5 main characteristics shared by civilizations? 2) Name the 4 River Valley civilizations. 3) How many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Quiz: Use Pages 11-13 and 20-21 1) List the 5 main characteristics shared by civilizations? 2) Name the 4 River Valley civilizations. 3) How many miles long is the Nile River? 4) What direction does the Nile River flow? 5) What direction do the prevailing winds blow along the Nile River?

2 Bell Quiz Answers 1) Surplus food, government, division of labor, calendar, writing system. 2) Nile, Tigres and Euphrates, Indus, Yellow. 3) The Nile is 4,160 miles in length. 4) The Nile flows South to North. 5) The prevailing winds blow from North to South.

3 Chapter 2.1 Terms 1) Hieroglyphics 2) Papyrus 3) Dynasty 4) Pharaoh 5) Polytheism 6) Monotheism 7) Rosetta Stone 8) Menes 9) Hyksos 10) Hatshepsut

4 Use pages 20-25 to identify the civilization characteristics of the Nile River Valley Civilization (Egypt) 1) Surplus food: 2) Government: 3) Division of Labor: 4) Writing System: 5) Calendar:

5 Bell Quiz A) List some of the technological and scientific achievements of the United States during the past 100 years. B) Circle the 3 you consider most important to American life and culture.

6 Objective 1: What did Egyptians achieve in the arts and architecture?

7 Use pages 26-29 to record Egyptian achievements in the 6 areas listed below Architecture The Arts Education Mathematics Medicine Science

8 Objective 2: How did Egyptians express their religious beliefs? The Egyptians did not believe that their life cycle ended with death. The Egyptians felt the body needed to be preserved to make existence after death possible. 1) How did Egyptians preserve bodies after death? 2) What objects might people with such religious beliefs consider to be important in the afterlife?

9 Bell Quiz: Use pages 26-29 1. What does the Egyptian belief in an afterlife tell about the importance they placed on having good character? 2. How did the Egyptian success at farming lead to contact with other peoples and cultures? 3. Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? 4. What were some Egyptian beliefs about afterlife? 5. What was the name of the most important Egyptian God?

10 Bell Quiz Answers 1. They believed a good character was important for having a good afterlife. 2. Because they grew more food than the country needed, they began trading with other peoples. 3. Pyramids were tombs for pharaohs. Pharaohs were regarded as Gods. The people built temples and tombs to honor them. 4. The soul was judged and entered either a place of eternal happiness OR was thrown to a horrible monster called the Eater of Death. 5. Amon OR Amon-Re (Sun God)

11 Instructions: Divide your paper into thirds and label the top of each section like the chart below. Read pages 22-25 and fill in your chart with notes as you read to compare the three Egyptian kingdoms. OLD KINGDOM 2650-2180 B.C. MIDDLE KINGDOM 2040-1650 B.C. NEW KINGDOM 1570-1100 B.C. Global Relations: Internal Power Structure: Technological Developments: Cause of Collapse: Global Relations: Internal Power Structure: Technological Developments: Cause of Collapse: Global Relations: Internal Power Structure: Technological Developments: Cause of Collapse:

12 Reasons why kingdoms collapse 1. Civil War 2. Attacks from invaders outside the kingdom 3. Empire too big to protect 4. Poor leadership (corruption)/Rule of the rich 5. Religious differences

13 Chapter 2.1 and 2.2 Review

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