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Subsea Connectivity and Distribution Will Mudge - Teledyne ODI October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Subsea Connectivity and Distribution Will Mudge - Teledyne ODI October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subsea Connectivity and Distribution Will Mudge - Teledyne ODI October 2009

2 Slide 2 Agenda Wet Mate Connectors Reliability Distribution Systems Constant Improvement for knowledge gained and customer relations Company Confidential

3 Slide 3 Wet Mate Connector Technology Electrical Connections o4, 7, and 12 connections oHigh Power Connectors Optical Connections oUp to 8 single mode circuits Hybrid Connectors o2 electrical and up to 4 optical circuits Company Confidential

4 Slide 4 Application of Wet Mate Connectors Interconnect 2 or more pieces of equipment that cannot be deployed together. Allows equipment to be deployed and maintained. Reliability must be considered. Company Confidential

5 Slide 5 Oil Field Application Company Confidential

6 Slide 6 Ditribution Systems Distribute signal and power to multiple points with proven reliability. Ideal for large data gathering applications Company Confidential

7 Slide 7 Neutrino Telescopes and Connections Company Confidential

8 Slide 8 Electrical Connector Reliability Company Confidential Nautilus was designed to be an extremely reliable product using dual barrier technology. Nautilus Connectors have been in service since 1991, with over 73,000 connectors delivered accumulating over 3 billion operating hours. Nautilus continues to show reliability of better than 99.89% based on all of the existing field data. The Nautilus is constantly reviewed and analyzed for improvements in both manufacture and design. Reliability is an on-going commitment to this product. ODI report D/N 187801 provides a detailed review of the reliability analysis of the Wet-Mate Hybrid Connectors

9 Slide 9 Optical Connector Reliability Company Confidential ODI’s Wet-Mate Rolling Seal Hybrid Connector has been in service since 1995, accumulating over 114 Million in service hours. The Rolling-Seal Connector was the first reliable wet-mate connector capable of reliably mating multiple optical fiber in the subsea environment Since it’s first installation, the Rolling-Seal Connector has proven to be reliable in service with a failure rate of 57.0 FIT and a projected availability of 99.97% The connector has evolved through one major design upgrade and additional design improvements targeted at improving operations and reliability. ODI report D/N 139355 provides a detailed review of the reliability analysis of the Wet-Mate Hybrid Connectors

10 Slide 10 Continuous Improvement and Analysis ROV make-up improvements Hermetic Penetrator Improvement Customer and ROV training Company Confidential

11 Slide 11 Summary Interconnectivity is required on larger projects. oAllows deployment and maintainability Distribution systems required oAllows many towers with a single cable Reliability oProven track record oCommitment to improvement Company Confidential

12 Slide 12 Back-up Slides Company Confidential

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