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Causes of the War War in Europe American Neutrality The Home Front Peace! 200 400 600 800 1000.

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2 Causes of the War War in Europe American Neutrality The Home Front Peace! 200 400 600 800 1000

3 Causes of the War: 200 Question: An agreement between at least two countries to defend one another. Answer Alliance

4 Causes of the War: 400 Question: Loyalty and devotion to one’s country or ethnic group Answer: Nationalism

5 Question: When a strong nation dominates and exploits a weaker nation it is called: Answer: Imperialism Causes of the War: 600

6 Question: The policy of building up your armed forces to prepare for war and glorify your country is called: Answer Militarism Causes of the War: 800

7 Question: The immediate cause of WWI was: Answer The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand Causes of the War: 1000

8 War in Europe : 200 Question: Austria-Hungary’s attack on this country began the war: Answer Serbia

9 Question: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and ____________ were known as the Central Powers Answer: The Ottoman Empire War in Europe : 400

10 Question: Germany’s attack on this country brought France and Great Britain into the war: Answer Belgium War in Europe : 600

11 Question: The Western Front saw primarily this type of fighting: Answer: Trench Warfare War in Europe : 800

12 Question: This plan called for Germany to invade Belgium and stage a massive attack on France to knock them out of the war Answer: The Schlieffen Plan War in Europe : 1000

13 American Neutrality: 200 Question: U.S. President during World War I Answer: Woodrow Wilson

14 American Neutrality: 400 Question: The sinking of this passenger liner helped spur American support of the war: Answer: RMS Lusitania

15 American Neutrality: 600 Question: What was the Zimmerman Note? Answer: Telegram from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance and that Mexico attack the U.S. to keep the U.S. out of WWI and win Mexico back lost lands

16 American Neutrality: 800 Question: Why did the U.S. actually support the Allies more than the Central powers even though we were neutral? Answer: U.S. companies have loaned FAR more money to the Allied countries and are worried about being paid back

17 American Neutrality: 1000 Question: How did Wilson try to convince the American people that neutrality would be beneficial to the U.S.? Answer: We could sell goods to both sides and make a large profit

18 Home Front: 200 Question: How did the U.S. quickly increase the size of the army? Answer: The Selective Service Act

19 Home Front: 400 Question: How did the US raise most of the money needed for the war effort? Answer: Sale of war bonds

20 Home Front: 600 Question: This regulated the US economy and made sure mass production was successful: Answer: War Industries Board

21 Home Front: 800 Question: How did the U.S. try to convince people to support the war effort? Answer The Committee on Public Information created propaganda

22 Home Front: 1000 Question: This court case decided that freedom of speech does not always apply: Answer: Schenck v US

23 Peace: 200 Question: Who were the “Big Four?” Answer: Great Britain, France, United States, and Italy

24 Peace: 400 Question: U.S. plan for peace terms: Answer: Wilson’s Fourteen Points

25 Peace: 600 Question: Which section of the Treaty was the most objectionable to the German people? Answer: The War Guilt Clause

26 Peace: 800 Question: What were the four major problems that had to be dealt with after the end of WWI? Answer Debt, military threats, territorial disputes, blame

27 Peace: 1000 Question: Why did the U.S. Senate not approve membership in the League of Nations? Answer: They did not want to be obligated to become involved in Europe’s affairs in the future after the horrors of WWI

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