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Grab a piece of paper Write your name on it Write a half a page on your views of compulsory military service (For or Against) Share in class.

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Presentation on theme: "Grab a piece of paper Write your name on it Write a half a page on your views of compulsory military service (For or Against) Share in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab a piece of paper Write your name on it Write a half a page on your views of compulsory military service (For or Against) Share in class


3 World War One Breaks Out Chapter 21.1

4 Causes of the War M stands for "militarism, A is for "alliances" I is for "imperialism” N is for "nationalism” So you should “Remember the MAIN (causes of the First World War)!”

5 B. The Great War Begins – Archduke Ferdinand and Wife Visits Sarajevo (Bosnia) Gavrillo Princip – Serbian who assassinated the two – Allied Powers – Central Powers 30 Countries total

6 – Schlieffen Plan Go around border 1 st Battle of Marne – September 1914 C. Stalemate – Kaiser Wilhelm – Trench Warfare No man’s land – Artillery fire on Verdun 21 Hours 1 million shells

7 – Battle of Somme 60,000 British died in one day 1 million died – New Weapons Machine Guns Tanks Poison Gas Submarines Airplanes

8 United States Goes to War Chapter 21.2

9 A. US Neutrality – Wilson tried to be neutral 30% of Americans were from Europe 28 million – German Subs sinking ships Americans killed – Lusitania May 7, 1915 128 Americans Killed

10 B. Road to War – Germans issued Sussex Pledge Not to sink ships without warnings – US was selling to Allies – National Defense Act of 1916 223,000 Army 445,000 National Guard $313 million for Navy

11 – Zimmerman Note March 1, 1917 – April 4, 1917 US Declares War!!! C. Mobilization – Selective service Act 24 million people registered 2.8 million drafted – Training the troops

12 D. Over There – AEF 15,000 Troops Led by John Pershing Convoy system – 2 million ships – Versus 60,000 mines


14 The War at Home Chapter 21.3

15 A. Mobilizing a Nation – Financing the war – 35 billion and loans to allies Liberty bonds – Secretary of Treasury William McAdoo Raising Taxes $10 billion

16 – Conserving Resources Food Administration – Herbert Hoover Increase Production Conserve food/no waste – Organizing Industry War Industry Board, Bernard Baruch

17 B. Mobilizing Workers – NWLB – Everyone did their part – Deadly Influenza C. The Great Trek North – Great Migration 1915-1930 Blacks moved to the North

18 D. Influencing Attitudes – Committee on Public Information Propaganda to people E. Suppressing Opposition – Espionage Act – Sedition Act

19 The War’s End and Aftermath Chapter 21.4

20 A. The End of the War – Revolution in Russia Bolsheviks under Lenin withdrew from War – March of 1918 – Last German offensive Battle of Argonne Forest – Big Bertha – 120,000 casualties US troops stop Germans November 11 at 11am 1918—Cease Fire!

21 B. Wilson’s 14 Points – Program for World Peace Create a League of Nations Europe refused League of Nations/14 Points Why?

22 C. The Paris Peace Conference – January 18, 1919 Big Four – Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemen Ceau, Orlando – Wanted reparations from Germany – Treaty of Versailles Forced to pay and lost land D. Global impact – 8.5 Million dead – 21 Million wounded

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