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FEBRUARY 15 TH, 2013 RIT MSDI Detailed Design Review P13265 Motorcycle Safety Light Backpack System.

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Presentation on theme: "FEBRUARY 15 TH, 2013 RIT MSDI Detailed Design Review P13265 Motorcycle Safety Light Backpack System."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEBRUARY 15 TH, 2013 RIT MSDI Detailed Design Review P13265 Motorcycle Safety Light Backpack System

2 MSD Team Primary Customers:  Sport bike/standard riders who ride with backpacks Surrogate Customers:  Aaron League  Andrew Nauss Faculty Guides:  Leo Farnand  Vince Burolla Industrial Design Consultant:  Killian Castner Team Members:  Mike Baer, Project Manager  Tyler Davis, Lead Engineer  Ben Shelkey, ME Project Engineer  TJ Binotto, EE Project Engineer  Eric Dixon, EE Project Engineer 2

3 Today’s Agenda 3 I. Overview5 minutes, 1 slide I. Project Description Recap II. Borrowed Motorcycle Specs II. System Model Design45 minutes, x slides I. Family Tree, System Overview II. System Components III. ME- CAD Models/Drawings IV. EE- Schematics, Pseudo-Code V. Bill of Materials III. Feasibility Analysis, Prototyping, and Experimentation30 mins, x slides I. Testing for critical components IV. System Assembly & Test Plans10 mins, x slides V. Next Steps15 mins, x slides I. Updated Risk Assessment II. MSDII Plan VI. Conclusion, Comments15 mins, x slides


5 Updated Customer Needs 5 Will have for final DDR

6 Updated Engineering Specs 6

7 7

8 Borrowed Motorcycle Type: 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan EN500 Owner: Andrew Nauss, 5 th year ME Gave permission to test on bike and make small modifications, if necessary Not ideal type of bike for target market, but it shares same engine and electronics with the Ninja 500, a popular entry-level sport bike Vulcan EN500 8


10 Physical System Overview Backpack 10 Electronics Box Inside Bottom Backpack Compartment Turn Signals Brake Lights System Power Switch AC Charging Plugin User Control Panel On Chest Strap Front Strap Turn Signals

11 Physical System Overview Motorcycle 11 Transmitter Box (Inside Box) Transmitter Board w/ Xbee Transmitter Bike Power In Bike Light Signals In Power Out Wireless Light-Signals Out

12 Family Tree (1/3) 12 Continued

13 Family Tree (2/3) 13 From Backpack Assembly

14 Family Tree (3/3) 14 From Backpack Assembly

15 Backpack 15 CAD Models and Drawings for the backpack are still in process and will be added once complete.

16 Lights Selection 16 Lights:  Compared thru-hole vs. flexible strips  Strips proved to be better for application  Strips available in.5m length w/ 30 LEDs/strip  Can be cut into increments of 3 LEDs Each 3 LED segment has necessary resistors to operate @ 12V 4 sets of High Intensity 30 LED SMD Strips 3 amber and 1 red $15/ strip, $60 total

17 Lights Flash Functionality 17 Lower Small Arrows Dual Brightness Running/Brake Lights Upper Small Arrows Upper Large Arrows 2 nd stage brake lights 1 st stage brake lights

18 Lights Requirements 18

19 Light Covers Selection 19 Lens Covers:  Provide protection from elements  Clear thermoform acrylic sheets  Can bend to required shape  Clear:  ~92% Light Transmission @ 90 degrees incident to surface  Red and Amber:  ~9-15% Transmission @ 90 degrees  Currently in discussion with manufacturer  Will be sending free samples of both clear and red  Can hold off on purchasing until samples are received  Sheets will be cut to size and molded to sit flush with External Shell Diffusion Material:  Diffusion material is not necessary and will not be used  Could potentially be added after completion of build Clear acrylic

20 Electronics Housing 20

21 Backpack System Board Schematic 21 Receiver USB Charger Chest-Board Microcontroller Voltage Regulation Inputs and Battery Health Output to Lights

22 Battery Selection Technology Re-evaluated initial selection of Li-Po battery due to safety concerns  For scope of project, not possible to design box that is guaranteed to prevent any damage to battery in event of crash  Li-Po and Li-Ion battery can catch on fire if cells are damaged, even with no current draw Decided upon Ni-MH:  They do not catch fire when damaged  Still meet performance requirements  Downside, heavier and larger volume 22

23 Battery Selection Criteria Battery selection criteria:  Meets minimum 12V voltage requirement (from lights)  Meets minimum required power draw  Meets maximum current draw (~3.5A worst-case)  Can be connected to off-the-shelf AC smart charger  Built in overcharge protection and thermal monitoring 23

24 Battery Selection Comparison Three options  Selection limited due to required capacity  Selection further limited due to 12V requirement Total price includes pack, charger  Cost between 3 choices was negligible 24

25 Battery Selection Comparison After comparing in PUGH diagram, Powerizer Flat pack/charger was chosen due to flat size and larger capacity for the same price  4500 mAh, 12V, 4.2A max  Dimensions: 7.2 x 2.9 x.8 inches  Cost: $66, shipped  5 day lead time before shipping 25

26 Battery Health Monitor Selection Criteria Battery Health Monitor Criteria:  Monitor voltage levels on NiMH Battery (14.5V-10.5V)  Be able to load shed USB charging system at a specific voltage.  Shut off system as safe shutdown (10.5V)  Send signals to Battery Status LEDs on chest strap 26

27 Battery Monitor/Charging Schematic 27 Inputs and Battery Health

28 Power Supply Selection Criteria Power Supply selection criteria:  Low power dissipation.  Low heat dissipation.  Pass max voltage to Safety Lights  Regulate battery voltage to 5V for USB Charging System  Regulate battery voltage to 3.3V for µCon, Wireless, User Interface switches and Battery Status LEDs. 28

29 Power Supply Schematic 29 Voltage Regulation

30 USB Charger Selection Criteria USB Charger Selection criteria:  Meet requirement of Standard USB Dedicated Charging Port  Maximize charging rate, while minimizing power/time. 30

31 USB Charger Schematic 31 USB Charger

32 Light Sensor Selection Criteria Light Sensor selection criteria:  QSD124 NPN Silicon Phototransistor  Narrow Reception Angle of 24DEG  Power Dissipation is Max 100 mW  Saturatuon Values  V CE = 0.4 V  I C = 0.5 mA 32

33 LED Driver Selection Criteria Will be added for final DDR 33

34 Wireless Transmission Selection Criteria Will be added for final DDR 34

35 Transmitter (Tx) Board Schematic 35 Voltage Regulation Inputs TransmitterBike Signals

36 Microcontroller Selection Criteria Microcontroller selection criteria:  Minimize controller power consumption.  Maximize # of I/Os.  Have PWM functionality. 36

37 Microcontroller and Rx Schematic 37 Microcontroller Output to Lights Receiver

38 Chest Strap System Selection Criteria Chest Strap criteria:  House User Interface Switches  House Battery Status LEDs  Minimize Power Consumption  Can be connected to off-the-shelf AC smart charger  Built in overcharge protection and thermal monitoring 38

39 Chest Strap Schematic 39

40 Chest Strap User Control Panel 40 Control Panel (Cover Off) Control Panel (w/ Cover)

41 Chest Strap User Control Panel 41 Control Panel Top Control Panel Bottom

42 Quick-Connect Selection Criteria 42 Must attach and detach both quickly and easily Must not shake loose Must have reasonable detaching pull force in order to prevent damage to other systems (if rider forgets to unplug) Aesthetically pleasing Low production cost 3 = Good 2 = Okay 1 = Poor Wire Connected to Buckle/Bayonet clip Wire in Magnetic Housing Laptop-Style Connection Guitar-Style Connection Quick to Attach (Preferable) 2323 Will Release Automatically (Important) 1333 Not Prone to Shaking Loose (Important) 3322 Complexity2233 Aesthetics1323 Points9141214 Continue to cost analysis? noyes

43 Cost analysis of Quick-Connect options 43 Guitar Amp Connector Part cost$9.88 Tax $0.79 Shipping$4.99 Total $15.66 Magnetic Housing style Component ConnectorPlasticMagnets Part cost$7.98$9.96$3.00 Tax$0.64$0.80$0.24 Shipping$6.99$5.00$12.98 Total (each piece)$15.60$15.75$16.22 Total$47.58 Laptop-style Connector Part cost$7.98 Tax$0.64 Shipping$6.99 Total$15.60 Choice: Guitar Amp Connector Reasons: -Quicker to attach because of no directional preference - “Clicks” in, less likely to come off accidentally


45 Light System Luminosity Test Three tests completed: LED florescent tube strip (benchmark) 4.4W 30 LED high power strip 1.1 W 30 LED water resistant strip Tested high-brightness and weatherproof light strips in daylight Observed brightness ~100 ft away from light All strips bright enough during day Illuminated Light Strip *Note: Strip was much brighter than picture shows 45 Results: Lights bright enough for requirements

46 Light System Power Consumption Calculations 46 Results: With very conservative estimate, worst-case scenario system should operate from battery for 2 hrs

47 Bike Mock-Up Transmitter Box 1.75” 4” 1” A mock-up for transmitter placement was completed on donor bike Test-fit laptop charger into inner cover Dimensions are 1.75 x 4 x 1 inch (H x L x W) Charger fit within cover with extra room Transmitter box will be much smaller than charger => fits Inner cover is protected from elements from outer cover (not pictured) Inner Cover Charger 47 Results: Good location determined for Tx box

48 Bike Mock-Up Bike Battery Power Wire Routing Proper routing of the wire from the 12V bike battery is very important for several reasons: Mitigation of any risk that wire can catch on rider If wire detaches, should not create safety risk (i.e. catch in chain/wheel) With wire attached, rider should be able to move freely Rider should be able to easily attach wire Considered several routing options: 1. In front of seat 2. Rear of seat 3. Side of seat # 1 # 3 # 2 48

49 Bike Mock-Up Bike Battery Power Wire Routing: Option 1 Option 1 quickly eliminated due to routing over rider’s legs Safety and rider discomfort issues 49

50 Bike Mock-Up Bike Battery Power Wire Routing: Option 2 Option 2 is possible, but not ideal Space under seat for wire to route without any stress concerns However, wire would have to route over seat, which could blow around in wind and create greater risk of detachment 50

51 Bike Mock-Up Bike Battery Power Wire Routing: Option 3 Option 3 presents best routing method No interference with rider No stresses/ methods for damage to wire Shortest wire length of 3 options Mock-up Wire Routed with Seat on Space between frame and chrome 51 Results: Option 3 is best method


53 Systems Assembly & Test Plans 53 A detailed system assembly procedure with diagrams will be added for final DDR.


55 Updated Risk Assessment (1/4) 55

56 Updated Risk Assessment (2/4) 56

57 Updated Risk Assessment (3/4) 57

58 Updated Risk Assessment (4/4) 58

59 MSD II Plan- Overview 59

60 MSD II Plan- Overview 60

61 MSD II Plan- 4 week plan 61 End Week 1 Complete Final Assembly and Test Plans- All End Week 2 Completed Assembly of Transmitter Housing- Ben Completed Assembly of Transmitter Board- TJ Completed Debugging of Transmitter Housing- TJ End Week 3 Completed Assembly of In-bag Electronics Assembly- Ben Completed In-bag Assembly Board- Eric/TJ Completed Backpack External Shell- Tyler/Mike Completed DC Quick Connect Assembly- Ben End Week 4 Completed Backpack Shell Integration w/Soft Shell- Tyler Completed Light/Light Cover Integration w/Shell- Mike/Tyler Completed Debugging of In-Bag Assembly- Eric/ TJ


63 Questions 63

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