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Early Latin America Chapter 19. Ferdinand and Isabella The Iberian peninsula was a collection of small kingdoms until Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Latin America Chapter 19. Ferdinand and Isabella The Iberian peninsula was a collection of small kingdoms until Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Latin America Chapter 19

2 Ferdinand and Isabella The Iberian peninsula was a collection of small kingdoms until Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon. Their grandson, Charles I, permanently united various kingdom to create modern Spain. The Iberian peninsula was a collection of small kingdoms until Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon. Their grandson, Charles I, permanently united various kingdom to create modern Spain. Called “Isabella the Catholic”, Isabella and her husband moved to eliminate all non-Catholics from their lands. Called “Isabella the Catholic”, Isabella and her husband moved to eliminate all non-Catholics from their lands. 1492 – the last Muslim controlled part of Spain was conquered by Ferdinand and Isabella. 1492 – the last Muslim controlled part of Spain was conquered by Ferdinand and Isabella. 1492 – the Jews and Muslims of Spain were ordered to convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. 1492 – the Jews and Muslims of Spain were ordered to convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. 1492 – Isabella supported the voyage of an explorer from Genoa – Christopher Columbus. 1492 – Isabella supported the voyage of an explorer from Genoa – Christopher Columbus.

3 Encomiendas When it became apparent to the Europeans that Columbus had not found a quicker way to India – but instead discovered new lands – they sought to conquer and dominate the new lands. They tried to replicate European society and land systems. When it became apparent to the Europeans that Columbus had not found a quicker way to India – but instead discovered new lands – they sought to conquer and dominate the new lands. They tried to replicate European society and land systems. ENCOMIENDA – the Spanish government gave large tracts of land to the Spanish conquerors in order to form large estates/manors. American Indians were enslaved to work on the estates. ***While slavery was rare in Europe in the 1400s – Spain was the exception*** ENCOMIENDA – the Spanish government gave large tracts of land to the Spanish conquerors in order to form large estates/manors. American Indians were enslaved to work on the estates. ***While slavery was rare in Europe in the 1400s – Spain was the exception***

4 The Caribbean Crucible Hispaniola – today’s nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic – the islands of the Caribbean provided the launching points for conquest of the American mainland. The native peoples of the islands were enslaved by the Spanish. Hispaniola – today’s nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic – the islands of the Caribbean provided the launching points for conquest of the American mainland. The native peoples of the islands were enslaved by the Spanish. Encomendero – the person who holds the encomienda – granted the right to work OR tax the native peoples under his control. Recreation of European serfdom. The native peoples died such huge numbers that for a number of years the Spanish islands produced little revenue – UNTIL AFRICAN SLAVES AND SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Encomendero – the person who holds the encomienda – granted the right to work OR tax the native peoples under his control. Recreation of European serfdom. The native peoples died such huge numbers that for a number of years the Spanish islands produced little revenue – UNTIL AFRICAN SLAVES AND SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Spanish tried to replicate European style cities – but used URBAN PLANNING – Spanish bureaucracy was also transplanted to the Caribbean – professional legal system, etc. The Spanish tried to replicate European style cities – but used URBAN PLANNING – Spanish bureaucracy was also transplanted to the Caribbean – professional legal system, etc. Notaries – legal witnesses – developing sense of economic advancement Notaries – legal witnesses – developing sense of economic advancement Depopulation – within 30 years – few native people of the Caribbean survived. Depopulation – within 30 years – few native people of the Caribbean survived.

5 Bartolome de Las Casas The enslavement and death of thousands of native peoples upset conquistadores turned priest Bartolome de Las Casas. The enslavement and death of thousands of native peoples upset conquistadores turned priest Bartolome de Las Casas. De Las Casas urged the Spanish and Portuguese to find labor that would not decimate the native populations. De Las Casas urged the Spanish and Portuguese to find labor that would not decimate the native populations.

6 Conquistadores Hernan Cortes Hernan Cortes Moctezuma II Moctezuma II New Spain – 1535 central Mexico named the Kingdom of New Spain New Spain – 1535 central Mexico named the Kingdom of New Spain Francisco Pizzaro Francisco Pizzaro Francisco Vazquez de Coronado – looking for “El Dorado” Francisco Vazquez de Coronado – looking for “El Dorado” Pedro de Valdivia – conquered the people of central Chile and established the city of Santiago. Pedro de Valdivia – conquered the people of central Chile and established the city of Santiago. 1570 – 192 Spanish cities in the Americas 1570 – 192 Spanish cities in the Americas

7 “God in the sky, the king in Spain, and me here” The conquistadores often ruled their lands as tyrants with absolute power. MONEY and LAND were the driving forces for the Spanish conquerors. The conquistadores often ruled their lands as tyrants with absolute power. MONEY and LAND were the driving forces for the Spanish conquerors. Guns, Germs, Steel and Horses Guns, Germs, Steel and Horses Viceroys – representatives of the Spanish monarchy – sent to the Americas to establish royal control and to begin to lessen the personal rule of the conquistadores Viceroys – representatives of the Spanish monarchy – sent to the Americas to establish royal control and to begin to lessen the personal rule of the conquistadores Juan Gines de Sepulveda – wrote of the justification of conquest: Juan Gines de Sepulveda – wrote of the justification of conquest: Natives ruled by harsh overlords Natives ruled by harsh overlords Natives needed to learn Christianity Natives needed to learn Christianity Natives not fully human Natives not fully human Natives were “born to serve” Natives were “born to serve”

8 The Destruction and Transformation of American Native Societies Estimates: Estimates: Mexico 1519 25 million 1580 2 million Mexico 1519 25 million 1580 2 million Peru 1530 10 million 1590 1.5 million Peru 1530 10 million 1590 1.5 million Smallpox, measles, influenza Smallpox, measles, influenza Enslavement - serfdom Enslavement - serfdom By the 1620s, the encomiendas as serf run estates were gone. By the 1620s, the encomiendas as serf run estates were gone. Spanish crown unwilling to create Spanish-American nobility – control from Madrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spanish crown unwilling to create Spanish-American nobility – control from Madrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MITA – forced labor of natives in Peru MITA – forced labor of natives in Peru

9 Colonial Economies – SILVER and GOLD Potosi – largest silver mine in Peru Potosi – largest silver mine in Peru Huancavelica – mountain of mercury Huancavelica – mountain of mercury Haciendas – rural estates in the Spanish colonies – sugar and cacao Haciendas – rural estates in the Spanish colonies – sugar and cacao Board of Trade – Seville – all American trade had to pass through Seville in order to maintain Spanish control. Board of Trade – Seville – all American trade had to pass through Seville in order to maintain Spanish control. Consulado – merchant guild Consulado – merchant guild Galleons – armed ships that brought specie to Spain. Galleons – armed ships that brought specie to Spain.

10 Treaty of Tordesillas – 1494 – Papal Line of Demarcation Treaty of Tordesillas – 1494 – Papal Line of Demarcation Letrados – university trained lawyers from Spain Letrados – university trained lawyers from Spain Recopilacion 1681 – codified the laws for government in the colonies Recopilacion 1681 – codified the laws for government in the colonies Council of the Indies – the Spanish monarch ruled through the council – issuing laws and advising the monarch Council of the Indies – the Spanish monarch ruled through the council – issuing laws and advising the monarch Viceroyalties – Mexico City and Lima Viceroyalties – Mexico City and Lima Audiencias – the viceroyalties were divided into 10 judicial divisions controlled by superior courts – AUDIENCIAS. Audiencias – the viceroyalties were divided into 10 judicial divisions controlled by superior courts – AUDIENCIAS.

11 The Clergy in the Americas – Conquerors and Liberators Fray Bernardino de Sahagun – created bilingual encyclopedia of the Aztec history and culture Fray Bernardino de Sahagun – created bilingual encyclopedia of the Aztec history and culture Diego de Landa, Bishop of Yucatan – liked many aspects of Maya culture – but hated the religion – burning religious texts and torturing Maya who refused to be Christian Diego de Landa, Bishop of Yucatan – liked many aspects of Maya culture – but hated the religion – burning religious texts and torturing Maya who refused to be Christian Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz – author, poet, musician, and social thinker – part of the growing Spanish intellectual world in the Americas – universities. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz – author, poet, musician, and social thinker – part of the growing Spanish intellectual world in the Americas – universities.

12 Brazil Pedro Alvares Cabral – 1500 – Portuguese explorer stopped briefly at what is today Brazil Pedro Alvares Cabral – 1500 – Portuguese explorer stopped briefly at what is today Brazil Capitaincies – land given to Portuguese nobles to colonize Brazil Capitaincies – land given to Portuguese nobles to colonize Brazil SUGAR SUGAR

13 Paulistas – backwoodsmen explored the Brazilian interior – capturing Indians and looking for gold – expanded Portuguese control deep into the interior Paulistas – backwoodsmen explored the Brazilian interior – capturing Indians and looking for gold – expanded Portuguese control deep into the interior Minas Gerais – 1695 – gold strikes led to increase colonization of interior Brazil Minas Gerais – 1695 – gold strikes led to increase colonization of interior Brazil Rio de Janeiro – port city developed because of the mining trade Rio de Janeiro – port city developed because of the mining trade

14 Multiracial Societies Sociedad de castas – social organization based on race Sociedad de castas – social organization based on race Peninsulares – Spanish BORN colonial leaders Peninsulares – Spanish BORN colonial leaders Creoles – American born BUT of European ancestry Creoles – American born BUT of European ancestry Mestizos – of European and Native ancestry Mestizos – of European and Native ancestry Mulattoes – of European and African ancestry Mulattoes – of European and African ancestry

15 Amigos del pais – Europe in the 18 th century saw the Enlightenment – where social reformers tried to improve society – in Spain such groups were called “Amigos del pais” Amigos del pais – Europe in the 18 th century saw the Enlightenment – where social reformers tried to improve society – in Spain such groups were called “Amigos del pais” Decline of Spain – British, French, and Dutch Decline of Spain – British, French, and Dutch War of the Spanish Succession War of the Spanish Succession

16 Bourbon Reforms Charles III – Bourbon Reforms – tried to re-establish central control and re-invigorate the Spanish Empire Charles III – Bourbon Reforms – tried to re-establish central control and re-invigorate the Spanish Empire Jesuits expelled Jesuits expelled Taxation tightened Taxation tightened Navy reformed Navy reformed New ports opened New ports opened New viceroyalties New viceroyalties Jose de Galvez – investigate graft and corruption in the colonies for the monarchy – blamed the Creoles Jose de Galvez – investigate graft and corruption in the colonies for the monarchy – blamed the Creoles Corregidores – local magistrates removed from Indian villages and replaced by governors controlled by the monarchy Corregidores – local magistrates removed from Indian villages and replaced by governors controlled by the monarchy

17 Marquis of Pombal “enlightened despots” “enlightened despots” Marquis of Pombal – Portuguese prime minister Marquis of Pombal – Portuguese prime minister Reorganized colonial bureaucracy Reorganized colonial bureaucracy New crops introduced New crops introduced Jesuits expelled Jesuits expelled Slavery stopped in Portugal Slavery stopped in Portugal Immigrants sent to the Amazon basin Immigrants sent to the Amazon basin

18 Revolts Many reforms instituted from Madrid and Lisbon upset the existing power system in the Americas – leading to discontent among the Creoles. Many reforms instituted from Madrid and Lisbon upset the existing power system in the Americas – leading to discontent among the Creoles. Comunero Revolt 1781 – rising prices and government control of tobacco and liquor use led people in New Granada (Colombia) to rebel Comunero Revolt 1781 – rising prices and government control of tobacco and liquor use led people in New Granada (Colombia) to rebel Tupac Amaru – took the name of the last indigenous Incan ruler – mestizo – led rebellion against Spanish leadership. Tupac Amaru – took the name of the last indigenous Incan ruler – mestizo – led rebellion against Spanish leadership.

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