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4.0 Interface Orientation Brought to you by. Objectives By the end of this session we hope you’ll… … understand the reason for the migration; … be aware.

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Presentation on theme: "4.0 Interface Orientation Brought to you by. Objectives By the end of this session we hope you’ll… … understand the reason for the migration; … be aware."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.0 Interface Orientation Brought to you by

2 Objectives By the end of this session we hope you’ll… … understand the reason for the migration; … be aware of the timeline for switching to the new staff/user interface at your library; … understand what the new features in the search interface are and how they work; … understand the options for customising the staff/user interface for your library; … feel prepared to share this information with other staff at your library and your users.

3 OutLook OnLine is… A union database of resources held at BC public and post-secondary libraries; A search portal which simultaneously searches the union database and virtual targets via Z39.50; An integrated ILL management platform used by most libraries.

4 Why are we migrating? Auto-Graphics will be discontinuing all older interfaces on July 1, 2014 AGent ILL = SHAREit

5 What’s different? Change to overall look and feel Major enhancements to the search interface Clustering of search results to facilitate requesting Migration of the underlying architecture to improve speed, HTML 5 for device flexibility Improved mapping of Z39.50 resources not in the union database

6 Migration Timeline April/May set-up of branding and system defaults Orientation, staged migration and support through May/June All libraries must be migrated by June 30, 2014

7 Let’s get started…

8 Next steps… Use the SHAREit 4.0 Set-up Guide to guide you through the process. Modify library defaults via your library admin account if desired OR leave as defaults. Train other ILL/public service staff using this orientation & script as needed. Test! Change to the new URLs on your website and staff workstations. That’s it!

9 Questions? Mari Martin Libraries Branch Mobile:250-886 -2584 Gordon Coleman InterLINK Public Libraries Mobile: 604-616-9954 Sunni Nishimura BC ELN Post- secondary Libraries Mobile: 778-237-6276

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