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Who Are We? Sociology 111. How old are you? 1. 17-20 2. 21-25 3. 25-30 4. 30-35 5. 35+

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are We? Sociology 111. How old are you? 1. 17-20 2. 21-25 3. 25-30 4. 30-35 5. 35+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Are We? Sociology 111

2 How old are you? 1. 17-20 2. 21-25 3. 25-30 4. 30-35 5. 35+

3 What is your ethnic background? 1. Caucasian 2. African American 3. Native American 4. Hispanic 5. Latino 6. Pacific Islander 7. Other

4 What is your highest level of education? 1. High School Diploma 2. Bachelor’s Degree 3. Master’s Degree 4. Doctorate

5 Do you have children? 1. Yes 2. No

6 How many biological siblings do you have? 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4 6. 5+

7 Do you play sports? 1. Yes 2. No

8 Are you involved in clubs/extra curricular activities? 1. Yes 2. No

9 I work… 1. Full time (40+ hours) 2. Part time 3. Not at all

10 What is your religious affiliation? 1. Christian 2. Jewish 3. Hindu 4. Muslim 5. Buddhist 6. Agnostic 7. Atheist

11 What kind of music do you prefer? 1. Country 2. Rap/R&B 3. Pop 4. Heavy Metal 5. Rock 6. Alternative

12 Are you married? 1. Yes 2. No

13 What is your stance on abortion? 1. Pro Choice 2. Anti-Abortion 3. Indifferent

14 What is your stance on the death penalty? 1. Support 2. Oppose 3. Indifferent

15 What is your stance on same-sex Marriage? 1. Support 2. Oppose 3. Indifferent

16 Have you ever traveled abroad? 1. Yes 2. No

17 Have you ever done something illegal? 1. Yes 2. No

18 Why are you taking this class? 1. Need the credits 2. Pre-Requisite 3. Interested in Sociology 4. Other

19 Did you read Chapter 1? 1. Yes 2. No

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