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Presentation on theme: "1 POLICY,STRATEGY and IMPLEMENTATION NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 TRANSPORT POLICY Policy Area:Governance / Prioritising the poor Performance in 2001/02Plans and Priorities in 2002/03 Drafted a long-term national policy framework for managing Ports ( Harbours) – A Ports Regulator Bill and Ports Construction Bill is being drafted. Completed a Rail Safety Regulator Bill with the aim of establishing a Regulator to oversee safe operations of rail in the country Busy consulting Provinces on the National Land Transport Strategy Framework (NLTSF) which is intended for transport planning as required by the NLTTA Have set an intervention strategy for ISRDs with OR TAMBO district serving as a pilot area. Finalise a strategy for Special Needs Transport Complete a Rail Policy and Plan framework Establish a Rail Safety Regulator Develop a Public Transport Policy framework work with the aim of promoting an integrated transport service accessible to especially rural communities and people with special needs Evaluate bicycle demonstration project ( non- motorised )to determine its effectiveness as an alternative to mobility Develop an approach to Urban Renewal programmes Develop a national freight transport strategy

3 3 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Policy Area: Broadening Access/Economic growth Performance in 2001/02Plans and Priorities in 2002/03 Successfully completed the democratisation process of the taxi industry, and busy finalising the formalisation process. Introduced a recapitalisation programme for commuter rail with refurbished coaches introduced in both the Gauteng and Western Cape province. Worked out a roll-out plan supportive to the taxi- recapitalisation programme, inclusive of critical areas of neeed e.g. infrastructure upgrading, training. Supported and guided Provinces e.g Northern Province, Free State and North West on recapitalising the parastatal’s bus companies. Funded demostration projects for accessibility Implement the rail line extension in Khayalitsha Finalise a feasibilty study for Hammanskraal rail line Workshop Provinces and support them on roll-out of transport plans Review and implement short term measures for public transport subsidy Focus on transforming the bus industry so that SMMEs also play a key role Servicing current contractual arrangement on bus and rail transport remain critical ( see trends on increase on deficit servicing commuter rail) Implement 4 transport related projects ( e.g. Intermodal facilites ) in the urban renewal notes

4 4 POLICY, STRATEGY, and IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET ALLOCATION : R3,876bil. Policy/StrategyR35,912mil Public TransportR3,775bil Transport PlanningR25 mil Urban Transport FundR39,744mil

5 5 Policy/Strategy: R35,912mil KEY PROJECTS FOR 2002/03 Finalise a strategy for Special Needs Transport: – PUT short/medium and long term implementable projects/actions – Review the Demonstration project ( Dial – A – Ride ) Complete a Rail Policy and Plan framework Establish a Rail Safety Regulator Develop a Public Transport Policy framework work – for promoting an integrated transport service accessible to all – Targeted subsidies Evaluate bicycle demonstration project ( non-motorised )to determine its effectiveness as an alternative to mobility Develop an approach to Urban Renewal programmes Develop a national freight transport strategy – Finalise the Gross vehicle mass / axle load study Design a Port Restructuring model Roll-out phase one of the National Household ( travel) survey – Assertain travel patterns/needs of communities so as to make informed decisions on travel demands

6 6 PUBLIC TRANSPORT:R3,775bil Key areas of concern: Budget shortfall of R94mil in financial year 2001/02 No additional operational allocation for 2002/03 Capital backlog now at R15bil New capital program launched with 176 coaches for refurb.

7 7 RAIL SAFETY REGULATOR An Overview The intention of government to establish a regulator was pronounced in the last quarter of the year 2000. Since as a country we did not have a rail safety model independed of the rail operators ( e.g. Spoornet) we had to imbark on a study. We then decided to benchmark our Rail Safety case on the Canadian model The year 2001 we started drafting the Bill and have intensive consultations with the rail industry, labour, public entities,other national departments e.g DOL, DME, and Community structures The Bill is now ready for a parliament process and the department is already busy with stakeholders drafting regulations supportive to the bill.

8 8 TRANSPORT PLANNING:R25mil Assist Provinces to develop Provincial Land Transport Strategic Frameworks (PLTSF) based on NLTSF completed by NDOT in 2001/02. – Pilot firstly with selected Provinces, Unicities and District councils

9 9 URBAN TRANSPORT FUND:R39,7MIL Key area Transport Infrastructure – Rail > 50% – Intermodal facilities>20% – Research / Demo projects>10% – Strategic projects, e.g Restructuring, TA>20%


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