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Bermuda: Paradise or Shipwreck? Mrs. Hayward 6 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Bermuda: Paradise or Shipwreck? Mrs. Hayward 6 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bermuda: Paradise or Shipwreck? Mrs. Hayward 6 th Grade

2 Index IntroductionEvaluation TaskConclusion ProcessTeacher’s Page Resources

3 Introduction The Bermuda Triangle has been an area leading to controversy since the 19 th Century. You and your teammates will research the many happenings attached to this controversial place. Is there really something strange happening in the Atlantic Ocean or are the many stories of disappearing ships and planes just hype?

4 Task You will choose a title/job and research the Bermuda Triangle from your specific view point. Form your own opinion: Do the happenings surrounding the Bermuda Triangle have scientific explanations or is something strange brewing? On your own, write a research paper documenting your beliefs. Finally, you and your colleagues will present your findings in a unique format at a “Meeting of the Minds” television program.

5 Process You will choose a role: oceanographer, Florida Travel Bureau representative, local news reporter (Florida), and a meteorologist. Each participant will research the history of the Bermuda Triangle and possible explanations. Additionally, each participant will write a research paper presenting his/her findings. Remember to keep in mind your particular role. Each person must choose a side. Is there a strange phenomenon taking place? Or are the happenings due to logical explanations? Once you have determined where you stand on the issue, you will be grouped with other participants who share your job title. Surprise! There is a meeting of the minds taking place in the city of Miami. Be ready to present your findings to the public via live television. Collaborate to make your live presentation convincing and enthralling.

6 Process, continued Visit the links on the resources page as well as your own. Include at least 2 print resources. Write a two-page research paper, 12 font, double spaced. Include in-text citations. Include a MLA formatted bibliography. Present your findings to the media in an interesting format. Examples – Photostory, Video, Posters, etc.

7 Resources Naval History Article Bermuda Triangle. ORGBermuda Triangle. ORG Bermuda Theories Museum of Unnatural HistoryMuseum of Unnatural History How Stuff Works Thesis Builder Mystic Places

8 Resources Oceanography NASA Oceanography Florida Travel Visit Florida NASA Meteorologist Meteorlogist Career News Reporter Time for Kids

9 Evaluation CriteriaFair (5) Satisfactory (10) Good (15) Excellent (20) In-text citationsAttempted at least one in-text citation. Attempted all required in-text citations. Little error in the format of in-text citations All required in- text citations included; correct format BibliographyAttempted to include at least one source Attempted to include all sources Little error in format of bibliography Correctly formatted & complete bibliography Adequate # of sources (4) One sourceTwo SourcesThree SourcesFour sources with two print sources Well-written essay (unity, grammar, thesis statement) Many errors; No unity in paper; No thesis Few errors; questionable unity; Questionable thesis A couple of errors; Has unity; Provided a thesis statement No errors; Has unity & a clear thesis Interesting presentation Little effort involved in presentation; minute interest displayed by audience Some effort involved in presentation; audience displayed some interest Interesting; audience was interested and seemed to consider your point of view. Unique & interesting; the audience was enthralled & definitely listening & considering your view point

10 Teacher’s Page Grade Level - 6 th Grade Standards - ELA6RC2, ELA6W2, ELA6W3, ELA6C1, ELA6LSV1 Differentiation Strategies – Varying the requirements for research paper & number of resources; scaffolding steps of research process; grouping decisions;

11 Conclusion You’ve made it! Only you and your colleagues know the truth about the Bermuda Triangle. How will you use this knowledge? Create a plan to share your knowledge with the world! Live Media

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