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Austin Rodriguez. What is a Nanobot  A Nanobot is  Characteristics Components.

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Presentation on theme: "Austin Rodriguez. What is a Nanobot  A Nanobot is  Characteristics Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Austin Rodriguez

2 What is a Nanobot  A Nanobot is  Characteristics Components

3 History  Concept by Richard Feynman  Termed “nanotechnology”  Wrote the book on nanosystems Developed by Eric Drexler

4 History Continued…  Created what is known today as molecular manufacturing  Gained support and acknowledgment for his work  Led the way for nanobots

5 Uses  Nanobots have many different uses Attacks tumors Clean out arteries Look inside deep parts of your body Can even detect certain diseases at an early stage

6 Future Developments  Include responses to Heat Light Sounds Suface textures Chemicals  Nanobts will be able to ○ Move and communicate with each other ○ Replicate and repair themselves

7 Are Nanobots Realistic Today?  We are some years away  New advances are being produced  Medical experiments are testing  However…  om/watch?v=E0ZngI bNLY&feature=relat ed om/watch?v=E0ZngI bNLY&feature=relat ed


9 References  Websters Dictionary, 18 Apr. 2010. Web. 18 Apr. 2010..  History of Nanotechnology. Chris Phoenix, 29 Mar. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. < /Press_Kit/nanotechnology-history.htm>.  Nanobot Robots Used To Deliver Gene Therapy. EFitness Now, 4 Nov. 2007. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. <http:/ / -robots-used-to-deliver-gene-therapy-through-blood/>.  Report on Nanobots. Virtual Search, 17 Mar. 2007. Web. 18 Apr. 2010..http://www.nanobot info/

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