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Thinking Before You Are Drinking. Journal ► Ade0 Ade0

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1 Thinking Before You Are Drinking

2 Journal ► Ade0 Ade0 Ade0 ► What does this videos message convey? ► How does this message speak about alcohols affect on motivation? ► How does this video speak on the affects of alcohol as a gateway drug?

3 What Is Alcohol ► What is alcohol? A colorless flammable derivative of a fermentation process ► Beer- Beverage made from fermenting barley, corn, hops or wheat ► Wine- Alcoholic beverage made from fermenting fruits, grapes ► Liquor – Alcoholic drink created through distillation process

4 Vocab/Notes ► Fermentation- The chemical process using yeast, sugar and water to create alcohol and carbon dioxide ► Distillation- fermented mixtures to make a highly potent alcoholic drink ► Proof- amount of alcohol in a liquor ► The % alcohol in a liquor is multiplied by 2 to get the proof.

5 How Fast ► ½ Ounce of alcohol = 1 drink ► 12oz Beer ► 4-5 ounces of wine ► One 1 ounce shot of liquor ► The body can only process one drink per hour

6 Vocab/Notes ► BAC = Blood alcohol concentration or amount of alcohol in someone's blood ► Binge Drinking- Consuming 4 or more drinks in one 2 hour period ► Ohio =.08 DUI ► Ohio =.02 for under the age of 21 ► Commercial =.04

7 Know the Facts What affects your BAC ► Amount consumed = 4 or more drinks in 2 hour period = binge drinking ► Any more than 1 Drink can raise BAC ► Speed/Time = The faster you drink the higher the BAC ► Body weight= Lighter = drunker ► Percentage of body fat- fat does not absorb alcohol as fast as lean body tissue leaving it in blood stream ► More Fat = Higher BAC after one drink ► Bigger = More body mass = more fluid = longer to get drunk ► Gender-Females tend to have higher Body Fat which means higher BAC. Less Dehydrogenase

8 BAC ► BAC.05 = Reasoning judgment are impaired ► BAC.08-.01 = Self control, muscular coordination, reaction time highly impaired ► BAC.12 = Confused disoriented ► BAC.20 Emotions are unpredictable ► BAC.30 = People will have little or no control of minds and body ► BAC.40 = People are likely to be unconscious

9 Journal Entry ► /alcohol/activities/lesson1.htm /alcohol/activities/lesson1.htm /alcohol/activities/lesson1.htm ► Watch video of Mouse 1 and record actions ► Watch video of Mouse 2 ► Differences = Inhibitions ► Inhibition = A voluntary or involuntary restraint on the direct expression of an instinct ► Partners group 4

10 How Could Weakened Inhibition Affect Circle Chart ► JOB ► Family ► Relationship with friends ► Relationship with significant other ► School ► What else?

11 How It Affects Your Mind ► Make incorrect decisions ► False sense of confidence ► Feelings of invincibility ► Give in to negative peer pressure ► Intensify sexual feelings ► Slows reaction time ► Aggressive behaviors ► Intensifies emotions

12 What Affects BAC ► Feelings ► Drugs = Decrease blood water volume or increase speed of absorption ► Age = Elderly people have lower blood volume as well as lower water volume leaving less volume and thicker blood viscosity ► Carbonation = Tend to be absorbed faster ► Food eaten= Breads and grains soak up alcohol and prevent it from being absorbed as quickly as other foods.

13 Hangover ► Vomiting

14 Severe Dehydration

15 Irritability

16 Nausea

17 Headaches

18 Absorption of Alcohol ► 20% rapidly absorbed into bloodstream ► 75 % through upper part of the small intestine and the rest enters further along in the intestinal tract. ► Metabolism of alcohol is in the liver. ► 2-10% is not metabolized but is excreted through the sweat glands, lungs and kidneys

19 Long Term Physical Affects. ► Brain: disrupts parts of brain responsible for memory and problem solving…unlike many other kinds of cells, brain cells do NOT grow back ► Heart: damages heart muscle, causing it to weaken and enlarge which leads to high BP. Increasing risk of congestive heart failure and stroke



22 Alcoholism ► Regular daily intake of large amounts ► Regular heavy drinking limited to weekends ► Long periods of sobriety interspersed with periods of binge drinking lasting weeks or months ► Heavy drinking limited to periods of stress

23 1 Decision Can Be Your Last ► Zc0

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