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What do you think this is?. Viruses What do you Think These Objects are? Are They Living?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think this is?. Viruses What do you Think These Objects are? Are They Living?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think this is?

2 Viruses

3 What do you Think These Objects are? Are They Living?

4 Plant Virus Tobacco Mosiac

5 Bacteria Vs Virus

6 VIRUSES Virus: infectious particle that contains DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat that can only reproduce in a host cell. Latin for “poison”.

7 Bacteriophage attacking a bacteria!

8 At the boundary of life, between the macromolecules (which are not alive) and the prokaryotic cells (which are), lie the viruses and bacteriophages (phages). These twilight creatures are parasites responsible for causing many diseases in living things (herpes and HIV in humans, for example). Viruses are found everywhere. Are viruses alive? Scientists are still arguing!!!

9 In isolation, viruses and bacteriophages show none of the expected signs of life. They do not respond to stimuli, they do not grow, they do not do any of the things we normally associate with life.

10 Characteristics of Living Things Respond to stimulus: virus respond when a cell is near and attaches. Cells: Not cells as we know them Adapt: The viruses do mutate to become stronger but only in a host cell. Reproduces: only in a host cell Energy: Uses energy of the host DNA: Yes they do have their own Grow and develops: Only in host Viruses are parasites that can only perform certain characteristics in host cells. Host: The cell that the virus attaches and uses their DNA and resources.

11 How do They Name Viruses 1.After the disease they cause. 2.After the organ or tissue they attack 3.Today, they are given a genus name ending in the word virus. Code numbers are given to similar viruses

12 Viruses consist of a core of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, and a protective coat of protein molecules and sometimes lipids(capsid). PARTS OF A VIRUS CAPSID: Protein coat Surrounding the DNA.


14 Why is Capsid Important? It is the protein coat around the virus that protests its DNA or RNA. IT IS WAY THEY ARE SO HARD TO KILL!!!!!!

15 How Do Viruses Attack Their Host Host - Cell the virus attacks. Attaches to the host cell and interlocks with the protein of the host cell. Viruses are very specific to the cells they attack. This helps in the spread of the disease. The outside envelope matches the cell that it attacks. Viruses are specific!

16 Attacking Host The virus will attach itself to the host cell. It will then shoot its DNA into the host cell. The virus is a parasite that uses the host cell for its energy and reproduction. It is a little different if it is a bacteria cell or eukaryotic cell.

17 Attacking the host The size and shape of a virus determines which cells or host they can attack.

18 Virus Attached to Host

19 Size and Shape of Viruses Viruses come in all shapes sizes. You can only see them with a microscope. 3 shapes of viruses 1.Enveloped – round with spikes( flu viruses) 2.Helical – Long narrow coiled shape( rabies) 3.Polyhedral- many sides(foot and mouth disease)





24 The different proteins that make up the capsid determines the shape of the virus.

25 Bacteriophages attack bacteria (prokaryotes) viruses attack eukaryotic cells(have a nucleus). viruses attack eukaryotic cells(have a nucleus). Viruses and bacteriophages invade cells and use the host cell's machinery to synthesize more of their own macromolecules. Difference between a bacteriophage and a virus

26 How Do Vaccines Work A vaccine contains a killed or weakened part of a germ that is responsible for infection. Because the germ has been killed or weakened before it is used to make the vaccine, it can not make the person sick. When a person receives a vaccine, the body reacts by making protective substances called "antibodies". The antibodies are the body's defenders because they help to kill off the germs that enter the body. In other words, vaccines expose people safely to germs, so that they can become protected from a disease but not come down with the disease.

27 Jenner was operating on the now widely accepted principle that once a person catches a certain disease, he or she is immune to it for the rest of their life. For example, once you've had the chickenpox, it's extremely unlikely that you'll ever catch it again. This is because your body, when exposed again, will recognize the disease and fight it off. The beauty of vaccines is that they help the body develop disease- fighting abilities without making you sick. Vaccines accomplish this amazing feat by tricking the body into believing it already has the full-blown disease. Here are the steps in this process, known as the "immune response":

28 Videos vmuIo PRmyTI&list=TLd9hZ4eK7hl9XlSUOM9T w7otujWPTj8Ce 4w9bfJg

29 H-oO1M

30 Vaccine-preventable Diseases Anthrax Cervical Cancer Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Haemophilus influenzae type b Human Papillomavirus Influenza Japanese encephalitis Lyme disease Measles Meningococcal Monkey pox Mumps Pneumococcal Polio Rabies

31 RotavirusBird Flu Rubella Shingles Smallpox Tetanus Typhoid Tuberculosis Varicella Yellow Fever Common Cold Swine Flu

32 BacteriaVirus 1.OrganellesDNA 2.Kill with antibioticReproduces 3.Reproduces on ownEnergy from 4.Needs energyhost 5. CellMutates 6.Respondshard to kill 7.AdaptsCapsid 8.Grows

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