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Presentation on theme: "AOP – SWIMMING-FREESTYLE ZAKI DELOS SANTOS, 11DO."— Presentation transcript:


2 RULES AND REGULATIONS Disqualifiable Offences Start: On the signal. During the Activity: -A swimmer cannot ‘walk’ and use the floor for momentum -A swimmer cannot tug on lane ropes. Costume : (for both sexes) shall be of a material not offering Thermal Protection or Buoyancy and shall be Sleeveless and Legless Freestyle Rules (FINA) 1.freestyle means any style other than backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly. 2.Some part of the swimmer must touch the wall upon completion of each length and at the finish. 3.Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race, except it shall be permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn and for a distance of not more than 15 metres after the start and each turn. By that point, the head must have broken the surface.

3 THE PERFECT MODEL – MICHAEL PHELPS RRyJ8 The swimmer is Michael Phelps; a competitive athlete at an elite level, performing freestyle at training.

4 OBSERVATION/ANALYSIS SkillPerformance Breath ControlBreathing after every 2 stroke, quick breath then head goes down. Good head rotation. Body PositionBody is in a horizontal position, streamlined when arms are stretched forward. Body rotates when arms are perpendicular, which gives power. Arm movementArms slide into the water easily and stretched out. Quick rotations at the shoulder. Leg movementPerfectly balanced and in rhythm. Strong kicks and just below the surface. Timing/Coordination of PartsFluid arm movement and leg movement as if his body is one unit

5 THE IMPERFECT MODEL aJp4 - About 20 th min Freestyle being performed by Shaq during training

6 OBSERVATION/ANALYSIS + EVALUATION SkillPerformance Breath ControlNot very consistent, sometimes 4 arm pulls sometimes 5 arm pulls. Over rotation of head, makes breathing inefficient. Body PositionMoving too much side to side, the body position is unstable. Not very streamlined Arm MovementElbows are too high, therefore no “finger tip” drag across the surface of the water. Arms doesn’t extend. He wasn’t rolling his shoulders Leg MovementVery weak short kicks. The kicks arent near the surface of the water, its too deep. Timing/CoordinationBoth leg and arm movements are co- ordinated Strengths: Correct arm and body movement, correct arm movemement. Arms enter the water properly. There is co-ordination between his arm and leg movements Improvements: Have a consistent breathing technique Keep body more balanced Make kicks stronger and near the surface Cant tumbleturn Wasn’t streamlined enough

7 PRACTICES AND DRILLS TO IMPROVE (THE IMPERFECT MODEL) Practice I – Kick Only Practice II - Pull Buoy swim with only arms Practice III – breath control practice Swim first 25 breathing to left every 4 strokes, next 25 breathing to right every 4 strokes, final 50 breathing to either side every 3 strokes. Repeat. This is to exercise correct breathing patterns. 1. Hold out a kickboard and swim solely by kicking, head down with a breath every 6 kicks 4lengths of 25metres 2. Flutter kick on side. Lie on one side with lower arm extended, ear resting on arm, upper arm along body; hold on to a board with top hand if necessary. Kick from hips (not knees), looking up and keeping knees and side or back of head in water. Switch sides every 25m for 100metres Pulling, freestyle. Squeeze a pull buoy between upper thighs and swim only with upper body (no kicking). This will straighten the body and will focus on arm rotation and strength.

8 LINKS TO SKILL RELATED FITNESS AND HEALTH RELATED EXERCISE SRF Balance- makes the swimmer horizontal and balanced Coordination- Need both the co- ordination of arm and leg movement to swim effectively Power- power is both speed and strength, therefore, both is needed to swim competitively. Both arm and leg power is needed to be faster in swimming. HRE Muscular Endurance- allows the arms and legs to be constantly used without getting tired Cardiovascular Fitness- needed so that swimmers can swim long distance effectively, not tiring Flexibility- needed to succesfuly rotate body and arms Body Composition- body composition affects body shape and the body’s ability to swim and compete. Eg: mesomorph, ectomorph

9 LEADERSHIP AND TACTICS Leadership in Swimming: Outstanding ability in the sport Enthusiasm The ability to motivate Ability to read the game or sporting situation -Leadership in swimming is needed during relays. -Swim captain Tactics used in swimming: Taking out a race faster than expected Taking out a race slower than expected Drafting Breathing techniques


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