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Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Science and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

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1 Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Science and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

2 Introduction Today, computer Engineering is among the fastest growing disciplines. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, special attention is being paid to computer technology engineering its utilization and development as one of the fundamental tools to modernize its industry and trade system.

3 What is Computer Engineering? Computer engineering deals with –the design and –development of computer systems While emphasis is put on factors, such as –function, –performance, –cost, –size, –reliability and –interfacing.

4 Computer Engineering Program The Computer Engineering Program is designed to provide the student with an intensive background in –the analysis, –structure, –design and –implementation of digital computers and information processing systems.

5 Studying in Computer Engineering The Computer Engineering department provides a program that develops the necessary skills and competence in order to design and implement computer systems and networks. The computer engineering curriculum emphasizes the areas of: –Digital system architecture and design, –Microprocessors and integrated circuit technology, –Communication theory and computer networks.

6 Studying in Computer Engineering In addition, enough emphasis is given to the study of computer science to provide a coherent view of computer systems and an understanding of the interdependencies of hardware and software components and their interfaces and tradeoffs. The computer engineering department offers programs leading to –a BS degree in computer engineering, and –an MS degree in computer engineering.

7 Information & Computer Science (ICS) System Engineering (SE) Electrical Engineering (EE) Computer Engineering (COE) Software Engineering (SWE) Computer Engineering

8 Major Areas in COE 1.Computer Architecture & Design 2.Digital Design Automation 3.VLSI System Design 4.Data Communications & Computer Networks. 5.Computer Applications: –Interfacing –Robotics –Computer Vision and –Image Processing

9 Computer Architecture & Design Computer architecture is the theory behind the design of a computer. In the same way as a building architect sets the principles and goals of a building project as the basis for the draftsman's plans, so too, a computer architect sets out the computer architecture as a basis for the actual design specifications.

10 Digital Design Automation Chip design is the conversion of an architecture to a hardware specification. Logic synthesis is a process by which algorithmic descriptions of circuits are turned into detailed logic circuits. Common examples of this process include synthesis of hardware description languages. Some tools can generate bitstreams for programmable logic devices, while others target the creation of application specific integrated circuits

11 VLSI System Design Very Large Scale Integration of transistor- based circuits on a single chip. A development of even larger circuits and systems to be placed on a single chip. Nearly all modern chips employ VLSI

12 Parallel and Distributed Systems The simultaneous use of more than one computer or processor to solve a problem, in order to obtain faster results. The processors communicate and cooperate in solving the large problem

13 Data Communications & Computer Networks Concerned with the reliable transfer of data through communication media. It encompasses the following areas: –Transmission system utilization –Signal generation, Synchronization –Message formatting –Addressing, Routing –Flow control, Exchange management –Error detection and correction, Recovery –Security –Network management –Protocols

14 Computer Applications These include, but are not restricted to: Interfacing Robotics Computer Vision and Image Processing …

15 Computer Engineering Academics

16 What is Computer Engineering? Analysis and Modeling Creative Design Implementation and Testing Computer and Digital Systems Computer Networks Components and Circuits Hardware and Software Aspects

17 COE Program Objectives Develop future computer engineers who can –Contribute to the development process in KSA –Cope with advances in the field –Understand the professional/ethical responsibilities –Communicate effectively –Function in multi-disciplinary teams –Use modern tools in design and experiments –Formulate, analyze, and solve problems –Apply mathematics and fundamental sciences –Commit themselves to life-long learning

18 Computer Engineering Degrees BS in Computer Engineering –With summer training and Senior project –With COOP MS in: –Computer Engineering –Computer Networks PhD in Computer Science & Engineering

19 BS in Computer Engineering Basic Sciences: 12 credit hours Mathematics: 17 credit hours English: 9 credit hours Islamic Studies & Humanities: 14 credit hours Computer Engineering: 41 credit hours Information & Computer Science: 20 credits Electrical Engineering: 8 credit hours Electives: 9 credit hours Physical Education: 2 credit hours Total = 132 credit hours

20 Core Computer Engineering Courses Fundamentals of Computer Engineering Computer Organization and Assembly Language Microcomputer System Design Computer Architecture Principles of VLSI Design Data and Computer Communications Computer Networks System Design Laboratory Seminar Summer Training Senior Design Project

21 Computer Engineering Electives Three senior-level courses Topics include: –Computer System Performance Evaluation –Design and Modeling of Digital Systems –Parallel Computing –Fault-Tolerant Computing –Distributed Systems –Local Area Networks –Mobile Computing –Testing of Digital Circuits –Introduction to Robotics –Selected Topics in Computer Engineering

22 Computer Science Requirements Introduction to Computing Introduction to Computer Science Data Structures Discrete Structures Operating Systems Database Systems One Computer Science Elective –Design and Analysis of Algorithms –Fundamentals of Programming Languages

23 Summer Training Objectives –Provide direct on-the-job experience –Students work with professionals in the field Requirements –8 summer weeks should be spent in training –Detailed report about summer experience –Students prepare and deliver a presentation

24 Senior Design Project Objectives –Students handle a real engineering problem –Put the knowledge gained into practical use Requirements –Problem Specification –Analysis and Design –Implementation and Testing –Documentation and Reports –Presentation

25 COOPerative Work Objectives –Students acquire practical experience and are exposed to the profession of computer engineering Students are required to … –Spend 28 continuous weeks in industry –Submit a final report –Give a presentation about their accomplishments COOP is counted as 9 credit hours –Replaces Senior Project and Summer Training –Replaces one of the COE elective courses

26 Alumni

27 Top hiring companies for COE graduates Aramco Saudi Electric Company Banks SABIC The Royal Commission For Jubail and Yanbu KFUPM Accenture King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Eastern Province Cement Company Saudi National Guard Saudi Distribution Company DAR InfoTech VisualSoft Saudi Telecommunications Company Maaden

28 Graduates Status and Behavior 60% of our graduates get hired within a period of 6 months after graduation, while 35% already got contracts before graduation Unfortunately only 20% of these graduates spend more than 3 years in a single job position 85% get a monthly salary between 5-15K 50% of our graduates rated the Computer Engineering program between Excellent and Outstanding 63% of the alumni indicated that their studies cover only 50%-75% of their current job work.

29 COE Graduate Program

30 MS in Computer Engineering 24 credit hours of course work 6 credit hours to research-oriented thesis 3 core computer engineering courses –Computer Architecture –Computer Networks –Digital System Design and Synthesis 5 elective courses

31 Areas of Focus Computer Architecture Computer and Wireless Networks Network Security Digital System Design, Synthesis, and Testing VLSI and Design Automation Parallel and Distributed Systems Fault Tolerant Computing

32 MS in Computer Networks Offered jointly by COE and ICS Three core courses: –Computer Networks –Client Server Programming –Computer Network Design Five elective courses, three of which should be –Network Technology –Network Design and Management –Network Software and Protocols Six credit-hour MS thesis

33 PhD in Computer Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary –Offered under two different departments Preliminary exam 30 credit hours of course work –Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale Written and oral comprehensive exams Successful completion of dissertation

34 Computer Engineering Focus Parallel and Distributed Architectures VLSI System Design Digital System Testing CAD of Digital Systems Computer Networks Fault Tolerant Computing Computer Vision and Robotics

35 Computer Science Focus Artificial Intelligence Neural Networks Software Engineering Parallel and Distributed Systems Algorithms Programming Languages Theoretical Computer Science Computer Graphics

36 Computer Engineering People

37 Computer Engineering Faculty 20 Professorial Rank faculty members –2 Full Professors –2 Associate Professors –16 Assistant Professors 6 lecturers

38 COE People Faculty –Professors –Associate Professors –Assistant Professors –Lecturers Staff –Technical –Non-technical Students –Graduate –Undergraduate Student-to-Faculty Ratio

39 Faculty Ranked professors hold degrees from: –KSA(1) –USA(8) –Canada(6) –France(1) –UK(1) –India(1)

40 Faculty

41 Staff

42 Students

43 Students-to-Faculty Ratio (Including Lecturers)

44 Students-to-Faculty Ratio (Excluding Lecturers)

45 COE Research Areas Data Communications & Computer Networks. Computer Applications : Embedded Systems, Robotics, Interfacing, Data acquisition, Machine learning, Data Mining. Digital Design Automation & VLSI System Design & Test. Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing. Computer Arithmetic & Cryptography.


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