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BT Wholesale Customer Roadmap 1 st July 2008 Welcome Chris Booth Business Improvement Programme Graham Crane Consult21.

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Presentation on theme: "BT Wholesale Customer Roadmap 1 st July 2008 Welcome Chris Booth Business Improvement Programme Graham Crane Consult21."— Presentation transcript:

1 BT Wholesale Customer Roadmap 1 st July 2008 Welcome Chris Booth Business Improvement Programme Graham Crane Consult21

2 Cautionary statement BT's systems & process programmes are still in the process of development and the subject of consultation. The information in this presentation may be subject to change.

3 Purpose & agenda Agenda: 1. Welcome & introduction Graham 2. Background to the Customer RoadmapChris 3. Demonstration of the Customer Roadmap Chris 4. Q&A All 5. Feedback capture and voteAll 6. Summary / closeGraham Purpose: to provide an overview of the BTW Customer Roadmap, demonstrate the content areas, how the Roadmap is used and how CPs can use it

4 Purpose & agenda Agenda: 1. Welcome & introduction Graham 2. Background to the Customer RoadmapChris 3. Demonstration of the Customer Roadmap Chris 4. Q&A All 5. Feedback capture and voteAll 6. Summary / closeGraham Purpose: to provide an overview of the BTW Customer Roadmap, demonstrate the content areas, how the Roadmap is used and how CPs can use it

5 BTW Customer Roadmap - background Why have we deployed the BTW Customer Roadmap? –To improve the way that BT Wholesale shares information with its customers, based upon feedback we have received. You see what we see ! –To provide a “one stop shop” for information relating to product launches & withdrawals, system & process changes, trials and ongoing projects –To provide a feedback and consultation mechanism for systems and related issues –To enable customers & BT to align their investments & developments across the industry What have we done so far? –Created Version 1 of the Roadmap which offers a high level view of 21CN, product launches, product withdrawals, system changes, trials and ongoing projects

6 Add any other pertinent information to the roadmaps on projects, products, services and system changes that BT offers Identify & resolve any issues to improve 21CN and 21C CE deliveries to meet customer requirements To provide a customer view of BT’s “single truth” portal for information relating to product launches and withdrawals, system & process changes, trials and projects that are being carried out within BT Wholesale & Openreach BTW Customer Roadmap - background What is the aim of the roadmap? Customer feedback Customer issues Customer workshops & web calls

7 Providing feedback on the Customer Roadmap Click the feedback button

8 Further information How can I affect the information on the roadmap? If you would like to request further information about certain elements of the roadmap, please provide us with the details: –Your opportunity to request further information on product launches, product withdrawals etc. within the high level view. If possible, please include WHY you require further information so we can cater for your needs in the future If you would like to request further information about certain elements of the roadmap, please provide us with the details: –Your opportunity to list elements that you would like to see on the roadmap. This encourages the evolution of the roadmap and helps us improve our scope for the roadmap. –Please include WHY you require further information so we can cater for your needs in the future

9 Further information How will the roadmap be kept up to date? BTW Customer Roadmap INTERNAL ROADMAP As teams use the internal roadmap, information can be filtered through to the external roadmap. CUSTOMER BRIEFINGS As soon as a new briefing is released or a document is updated – the information will be added to the roadmap 21CN IMPLEMENTATION & REG ENVIRONMENT As new 21CN plans and products are issued the information will be added to the roadmap along with any regulatory impact CUSTOMERS Through the feedback link on the roadmap the information will be added within ten working days of the request As more internal teams use The roadmap, more Information is available which Will result in detailed Customer briefings As customer briefings are Issued and more info is Available on the roadmap then customers will submit new information requests Based upon the current Industry environment and Customer submissions BTs plans will change Based upon feedback received Roadmap becomes more and More poignant and Versions are updated

10 Purpose & agenda Agenda: 1. Welcome & introduction Graham 2. Background to the Customer RoadmapChris 3. Demonstration of the Customer Roadmap Chris 4. Q&A All 5. Feedback capture and voteAll 6. Summary / closeGraham Purpose: to provide an overview of the BTW Customer Roadmap, demonstrate the content areas, how the Roadmap is used and how CPs can use it

11 3. BTW Customer Roadmap demonstration How to log on Overview of the Roadmap areas and content Explanation of what the symbols mean Navigating the Roadmap and how to use it Futures, eg CE programme

12 Purpose & agenda Agenda: 1. Welcome & introduction Graham 2. Background to the Customer RoadmapChris 3. Demonstration of the Customer Roadmap Chris 4. Q&A All 5. Feedback capture and voteAll 6. Summary / closeGraham Purpose: to provide an overview of the BTW Customer Roadmap, demonstrate the content areas, how the Roadmap is used and how CPs can use it

13 Purpose & agenda Agenda: 1. Welcome & introduction Graham 2. Background to the Customer RoadmapChris 3. Demonstration of the Customer Roadmap Chris 4. Q&A All 5. Feedback capture and voteAll 6. Summary / closeGraham Purpose: to provide an overview of the BTW Customer Roadmap, demonstrate the content areas, how the Roadmap is used and how CPs can use it






19 1)Slides and details of replay will be circulated and posted @ 2)Please log onto the BTW Customer Roadmap & provide feedback @ 3)Remember the “21C CE product introduction from Concept-to-Market (C2M) event” on 18 th July – contact for Any further questions on the roadmap to Close Thank you

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