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Personal Medical Services Contracts Requirements – Guidance – Management Wednesday 7th June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Medical Services Contracts Requirements – Guidance – Management Wednesday 7th June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Medical Services Contracts Requirements – Guidance – Management Wednesday 7th June 2006

2 TIMEAGENDA 09.00 – 09.30REGISTRATION & COFFEE 09.30 – 09.40Introduction Tom Easterling, NCL SHA Aims of the Day Alan Miller PCCA 09.40 – 10.20PMS Contract Regulations Mark Wilson, Specialist Advisor, 10.20 – 11.20PMS Contractual Issues: Splits, Mergers, Suspensions, Retirements, Sanctions & Terminations Mark Wilson, Specialist Advisor 11.20 – 11.40COFFEE 11.40 – 12.10Performance Management of PMS Contracts Alan Miller. PCCA 12.10 – 12.40Non-GMS Contracting Arrangements for 2006/07 Guidance Implications & Actions Mark Wilson, Specialist Advisor 12.40 – 12.45Round up & Final Questions 12.45 - 13.30SANDWICH LUNCH - EVENT CLOSE (13.30) Agenda

3 Performance Management of PMS Contracts

4 A key role for PCTs is to ensure that …………contractors (both GMS and non-GMS)…… [are] subjected to robust contractual and performance management mechanisms. Such mechanisms are a necessary characteristic of good financial management and better ensure that patients receive a high quality of care. Non-GMS Contracting Arrangements for 2006/07

5 National Priorities - Delivery of NSFs and LDP Imperatives Minimum Requirements – Premises / Times / Records Out of hours – Provision / Opt Out Patients – List / Registration Prescribing and Dispensing - Repeat Prescribing/Supplementary Prescribers Persons who perform - Qualifications/Training Records, Information, Notification and Rights of Entry Performance Management Elements

6 Process

7 Annual return and review The Contractor shall submit an annual return relating to the agreement to the PCT which shall require the same categories of information from all persons who hold contracts with the PCT. Following receipt of the return referred to in clause 416, the PCT shall arrange with the Contractor an annual review of its performance in relation to the agreement. The PCT shall prepare a draft record of the review referred to in clause 417 for comment by the Contractor and, having regard to such comments, shall produce a final written record of the review. A copy of the final record shall be sent to the Contractor. Typical PMS Contract

8 London PMS Arrangements Local Examples What do you do ?

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