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Chapter 17 Review From MR. H--- Study Study Study Your Test is tomorrow Review everything on Study guide you’ll get a good grade. Good luck Cya MONDAY.

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2 Chapter 17 Review From MR. H--- Study Study Study Your Test is tomorrow Review everything on Study guide you’ll get a good grade. Good luck Cya MONDAY POD 13- What did the House of Representatives do when President Andrew Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act?

3 Introductio n 1 Click the Speaker button to replay the audio. 1. Period of Rebuilding after the Civil War Reconstruction

4 2. John Wilkes Booth Shot Lincoln

5 3 Wade- Davis Bill Rival plan to Lincoln’s 10 % Plan

6 4.Black Codes Slavery in disguise

7 5. 15 th Amendment A.A.(men) Right to vote

8 6. Tenure of Office act Violated by Johnson

9 7. Carpetbaggers Northerners who supported republicans

10 8. Ku Klux Klan Secret Society that killed A.A.

11 9. What did A.A. want besides land? education

12 10. What changed the political balance of the south Amnesty act of 1872

13 11. A pardon offered by Lincoln Amnesty

14 12. What helped ease the transition from slavery by establishing schools? Freedman’s bureau

15 13. Abolished Slavery 13 th Amendment

16 14. Granted citizenship to all people born in the US 14 th amendment

17 15. Congressman override of Johnson’s veto’s Radical Reconstruction

18 16. Violated the Tradition President’s controlled their cabinets Tenure of office act

19 17. Violation of tenure of office act Resulted in Impeachment

20 18. 3 states required schools to be integrated Louisiana, Florida, and S.C.

21 19. Most common form of work for freedmen Sharecropping

22 20. Biggest gains in southern industry Textiles

23 21. Goal of radical republicans Punish the South

24 22. Started KKK Nathan Bedford Forrest


26 23. Political party of African Americans Republicans

27 24. Presidents during Reconstruction Lincoln- 1864- 1865 Johnson – 1865- 1868 Grant- 1868- 1876 Hayes- 1877- ended

28 25. How was the south divided 5 Military Districts

29 26. Quote “Wherever I go the stsred the shop, the house,the hotel, or steamboat- I hear people talk in such a way as to indicate that they are yet unable to conceive of --------- - as possessing any rights at all.” African Americans

30 True/ False 27.Johnsons’s plan for rebuilding the south restoration

31 28. Why did most freed A.A.’s become sharecroppers No money to buy land

32 29. Which party was in power after reconstruction Democrats

33 30. Economy in the South Agricultural

34 31. Who opposed Lincoln’s plan to reconstruct Radical Republicans

35 32. What did Johnson do with the Civil Rights act of 1866 Vetoed it

36 33. Tenure of office act Requires who’s approval to remove an elected official? Congresses

37 34. Who was the Democrat’s nominee in 1868? Horatio Seymour

38 35. HO many A.A. served in the house of Rep? 16

39 36. What ended reconstruction Compromise of 1877

40 37.Which president’s party was hurt by corruption charges Grants administration

41 38. Who was elected in the controversial election of 1876? Hayes

42 Matching 39.Amnesty A Pardon

43 40. Thaddeus Stevens Radical Republican

44 41. Blanche K. Bruce A.A. Senator

45 42. To charge with wrongdoing Impeach

46 43. Defeat a veto Override

47 44. Fee paid for voting Poll tax

48 45. Secret society of terrorists KKK

49 46. Hiram Revels African American Senator

50 47. Crops to be sold for money Cash crops

51 48. Booth Killed Lincoln

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