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The Civil War 1864- 1865 FINAL YEAR. 1864 - Confederates Confederates were barely holding on Confederates hoped that Lincoln wouldn’t be re-elected in.

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1 The Civil War 1864- 1865 FINAL YEAR

2 1864 - Confederates Confederates were barely holding on Confederates hoped that Lincoln wouldn’t be re-elected in 1864

3 1864 - Union March 1864 – summoned Grant to D.C. Gave Grant command of all Union forces General Tecumseh Sherman – in the West


5 Wear down the South! May 5, 1864 Battle of the Wilderness - Confederate victory But Grant moved further south instead of retreating May 8, 1864 – Battle of Spotsylvannia (Virginia) June, 1864 – Battle of Cold Harbor near Richmond, Virginia

6 Sherman in Georgia Headed to Atlanta Continued to advance Took Atlanta after bombardment and seige Burned the city Then marches to the Sea. Across Georgia burned bridges, factories, railroad lines Slaughtered livestock Ate grain December 21, 1864 – took Savannah, Georgia without a fight

7 Election of 1864 Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was chosen to run with Lincoln McClellan ran against Lincoln (his old general) – promised a negotiated peace with the South After Atlanta and Savannah, strong support for Lincoln

8 13 th amendment February 1865 – Congress proposed the 13 th amendment Ratified by states and became law on December 18, 1865 Ended Slavery

9 End of the War Sherman moved northward to meet up with Grant As they moved through South Carolina, burned and pillaged along the way (civilian property) Burned Columbia, South Carolina

10 Surrender April 1865 – Appomattox Court House Lee and Grant met a private home to negotiate surrender Confederates could take their horses home Not punished as traitors if they follow laws Grant offered to feed the starving Confederate army Celebrations Grant ordered it stopped because the Confederates were their countrymen

11 Lincoln’s assassination John Wilkes Booth and others Maryland actor with strong Southern sympathies Plotted to kidnap Lincoln and exchange him for prisoners of war To kill Grant, Vice President Johnson, Secretary of State Seward

12 Booth slipped into Lincoln’s unguarded box at Ford’s theater Watching Our American Cousin Jumped over railing and landed on the stage Broke his leg Tracked to a tobacco farm in Virginia Barn set on fire Both shot

13 Lincoln carried to the Peterson House Died early the next morning Funeral train took 14 days to travel from DC to Springfield, Illinois

14 13 th amendment 1865 - freed the slaves 14 th amendment 1868 – stated that all people have equal rights (provides citizenship to African Americans) 15 th amendment 1870 – African American males got the right to vote

15 RECONSTRUCTION The period after the Civil War where the South was under Federal control.

16 Scalawags and Carpetbaggers Scalawags – Southerners who helped freed slaves Carpetbaggers – Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War to gain political office and other extras during Reconstruction

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