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Reconstruction. The time period after the Civil War to rebuild the United States of America after the Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction. The time period after the Civil War to rebuild the United States of America after the Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction

2 The time period after the Civil War to rebuild the United States of America after the Civil War

3 Goal Heal the nation INclusion of Freedmen (former slaves EXclusion of Southern Leaders who were blamed for starting the Civil War A picture from the reunion took place in 1913 at Gettysburg, with more than 50,000 Civil War Soldiers attending.

4 Lincoln’s Plan Lenient treatment towards the South Treat them with kindness and justice 13 th Amendment is passed – Ended Slavery in the United States Unable to carry out his plans because he was killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater

5 Andrew Johnson become president 1 st phase of Reconstruction “Presidential Reconstruction” Hard time getting along with Congress Congress wanted to punish the South Johnson wanted to carry on with Lincoln’s plan

6 Congress took over Reconstruction 2 nd Phase of Reconstruction “Congressional Reconstruction” – Punished the South – 14 th Amendment is passed Makes Freemen citizen of the United States – Divided into 5 military districts Made South feel like they were an occupied territory not part of the country

7 The Southern Reconstruction 3 rd Phase of Reconstruction New leaders and new state governments – Carpetbaggers Northerners who moved South – Scalawags Whites who lived in the South who voted for the Republican party – South did not like these people Some blacks were part of the government 15 th Amendment is passed – Freedmen had the right to vote

8 End of Reconstruction 4 th Phase of Reconstruction Compromise of 1877 – Tie between Tilden and Hayes – President Hayes promised to end Reconstruction People tired of Civil War time Wanted to look forward – to the future Westward expansion was the way to a better future for the United States

9 The New South Reconstruction reversed 5 th Phase of Reconstruction Freedmen treated as second class citizen – NOT INcluded into Southern Society South Aristocracy regains power – NOT EXcluded into the new south

10 Life for the Freedmen Harsh and difficult Given rights but unable to exercise (practice those rights) – right to vote but the Ku Klux Klan used fear to stop them – Right to own property but Sharecropping kept them in poverty – 14 th amendment made them citizen but Jim Crow Laws separated them in society – Had opportunities but Black Codes kept them at the bottom of society BUT Freedmen were allowed to have things that at one time they were not allowed to have – Schools – churches

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