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The Tragedie of Julius Caesar

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1 The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
By Dan Nikolaevskij

2 Outline Characters Plot Movies Other Interpretations
Historic Background History of the Play Sources

3 Characters Julius Caesar Marcus Antonius Caius Cassius Marcus Brutus
Casca Cinna Metellus Cimber Decius Brutus Trebonius Ligarius Calpurnia / Portia Octavius / Lepidus Other Servants and Friends

4 Plot – Act I Plebeians go to Caesar‘s triumphal march
„Beware the ides of March“ Cassius and Brutus talk Stories of Caesar‘s weakness Cassius tries to convince Brutus Caesar returns from the games Casca tells about Caesar Cassius invites him for dinner Casca and Cassius meet in night

5 Plot – Act II Brutus‘ monologue in garden Reads letter
Cassius and other conspirators comes Brutus tells Portia about assault Calpurnia has a bad dream Decius Brutus persuades Caesar Artemidorus writes warning letter Portia very nervous – sends Lucis to Senat

6 Plot – Act III Artemidorus doesn‘t get through to Caesar
Senators are looking for a plea – Publius Cimber Brutus, Cassius, Metellus knee (distraction) Casca first strike „Et tu, Brute“ Brutus allows Antonius to speak Brutus‘ speech Antonius‘ speech People kill Cinna the poet

7 Plot – Act IV Deathlist writing Brutus and Cassius discussion
Portia dead Caesar‘s ghost

8 Plot – Act V Generals talk few things Last goodbye Battle starts
Pindarus kills Cassius Titinius commits suicide Strato kills Brutus END

9 Antonius and Octavius:
Historic Background Assasination of G. Julius Caesar 44 BC Battle of Philippi 42 BC Both engagements combined Antonius and Octavius: 19 legions cavalry 33,000 100,000 men Brutus and Cassius: 17 legions cavalry 17,000 100,000 men VS


11 History of the Play - Sources
Plutarch‘s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Translated by Sir Thomas North Caesar‘s triumph is later (six months) Curia on Capitol, not Curia Pomperiana Events too close (in fact 5 days space) καί σύ τέκνον (You too, child?)

12 History of the Play – Performances
1599 First published in The Folio 1623 Globe Theatre (ev. Opening play) 1599 In Germany debut performance 1785 Mannheim 1803 directed by Goethe in Weimar


14 Movies Over 20 TV- and Cinema-productions
First 1908: J. S. Blackton; W. V. Ranous 1911 ; 1913 1950: David Bradley (Charlton Heston as Antonius) 1953: Joseph Mankiewizc (Marlon Brando as Antonius) 1970: Stuart Burge (Charlton Heston as Antonius) 1979: Michael Langham (Morgan Freeman as Casca) 2007 HK-Action-Version by Gordon Chan

15 1970 1950

16 Other Adaptions Book-A-Minute Classics
Caius Cassius Brutus, we're plotting to kill your best friend Caesar. Wanna help? Marcus Brutus Because I love Rome more, I will. (They all stab Caesar.) Julius Caesar Et tu, Brute? In that case, I'd better die. (dies) (The nation mourns, and everybody commits suicide.) THE END

17 Other Adaptions 1926: Benefit event Actor‘s Fund of America
1937: Orson Welles production at Mercury Theatre in New York 1958: Parody by canadian comedians Wayne and Shuster – Ed Sullivan Show

18 Thank thee to listen Dan Nikolaevskij

19 My sources

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