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Caesar The First Caesarian Normal Birth Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC in July. Caesar’s mum was believed to have died during his birth though some.

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3 Caesar The First Caesarian

4 Normal Birth

5 Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC in July. Caesar’s mum was believed to have died during his birth though some others say she lived and was the first woman to have a caesarean and that is how they named it. Caesar = Caesarean. They used a sword to cut the stomach.

6 Modern Version Of Old Roman Toys


8 Roman toys that were used at the time included carved animals, rocking horses, balls, marbles made of pottery or brightly coloured glass and many different board games such as early chess and checkers. School at the time of Caesar was for the wealthy. They studied simple arithmetic’s and learnt to read and write. Girls would leave school at the age of 11 though boys would go on to secondary school, where they studied history, geography, astronomy, music, mathematics, grammar, Roman literature and athletics.

9 He wore a loose, knee length tunic made of white wool or linen, trimmed with band of red.



12 Caesars dad’s name was Lucius. Caesar had an uncle who was consul at the time. Caesar's dad’s sister was married to the consul. Caesar married Cornelia who was arranged for him and they had a daughter named Julia.

13 At the age of 16 a child was then considered an adult.

14 There are 5 multiple choice questions. Click on the answer you think is best. There is no time limit. Click the arrow to continue.

15 Question 1. In which Year was Caesar born? A. 44 BC B.100 AD C. 44 AD D. 100 BC

16 Question 2. Which one of these toys are not what children during Caesar’s time played with? A. Marbles B. Football C. Checkers D. Stuffed animals

17 Question 3. What colour was the tunics they wore? A. Brown B. White C. Black D. Red

18 Question 4. Who was Caesar’s Dad? A. Lucius B. Pompey C. Mark D. Marius

19 Question 5. At what age does a child become a man? A.18 B. 20 C. 16 D. 14


21 In 84 BC Caesar gets married to the person who was arranged for him by his father, her name was Cornelia.

22 One year later Cornelia gave birth to Caesar’s daughter Julia. Juli She was named after after Caesar: Gaius Julius Caesar

23 He then set out to Rhodes in 75 BC to get taught by Apollonius Molon a famous teacher at the time. He was captured by pirates who kept him a prisoner for 38 days. During his captivity Caesar swore he would crucify the pirates but they just laughed. The pirates ransomed Caesar for 50 talents and when he was released, he immediately set up a fleet and did what he had promised.

24 In 69 BC Caesar’s aunt Julia died and Caesar took the unprecedented step of holding a laudatio, which is a public funerary eulogy. Since Caesar was so popular he was given the office of Quaestor in the same year and was first rung on the political ladder. Later that year Caesar’s wife died. Caesar once again held a laudatio.

25 While Caesar was mourning over the death of his wife he left Rome to serve with Antistius Vetius the Governor of Hispania Ulterior. The years he spent there were very grim. Luckily for Caesar, Vetius was a good man who noticed Caesar wasn’t well and he dealt with him sympathetically. Caesar then left Spain. He traveled through Cisalpine Gaul where he listened to the complaints of the local people. They wanted to become citizens.

26 He and the Cisalpines were not to forget each other.

27 There are 5 multiple choice questions. Click on the answer you think is best. There is no time limit. Click the arrow to continue.

28 Question 1. How many years after Caesar got married to Cornelia did they have a child? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. The same year.

29 Question 2. How much was Caesar ransomed for and for how long was he held captive? A. 50 talents and 78 days B. 38 talents and 50 days C. 50 talents and 38 days D. 38 talents and 78 days

30 Question 3. Where did Caesar create a army of provincial troops? A. Asia B. Europe D. Africa C. America

31 Question 4. What was Caesar rung on the political ladder in 69 BC? A. fourth B. third C. Second D. First

32 Question 5. Which country did Caesar leave in 69 BC after being With Vetius? A. Italy B. Spain C. Gaul D. Germany


34 In 67 BC Caesar married Pompeia, relative of Pompey.


36 Pompey was a bad orator and a hopeless mediocre politician. Crassus was hated by the people for being with Sulla and his proscriptions. On the other hand Caesar was a born orator and immensely popular with the people. Caesar needed Crassus's wealth and Pompeius' influence. They also needed him just as much.

37 Caesar was made Curule Aedile in 65 BC, with Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus. Caesar held public games which were paid with borrowed money. The Optimates raged, but dared do nothing in the face of the public. 62- 63BC were not good years for Caesar. His debts were now amazingly high.

38 Caesar was elected Praetor in 62 BC. Caesar and Crassus were accused of complicity, although no charges were made. Towards the end of his term as Praetor, Caesar was taken from his post with Caecilius Metellus Nepos.

39 Publius Clodius had entered Caesar's house while a celebration was being held in honour of the Bona Dea. The God of fruitfulness both for the Earth and for women. No males were allowed. Caesar's wife Pompeia was involved, and Caesar divorced her.

40 A successful military expedition made Caesar settle with the most demanding of his creditors.

41 Once again he left his province before his successor arrived, so he could stand for office of Consul in 59 BC.

42 There are 5 multiple choice questions. Click on the answer you think is best. There is no time limit. Click the arrow to continue.

43 Question 1. Who had the most money in the alliance? A. Caesar B. Pompey C. Crassus D. Sulla

44 Question 2. In what year was Caesar made Praetor? A. 61 BC B. 62 BC C. 63 BC D. 65 BC

45 Question 3. What was the God that the women were Celebrating? A. Dea Bona B. Bona Dea C. Clodius Publius D. Publius Clodius

46 Question 4. How much of Caesars debt was Crassus Paying? A. 1 quarter B. Half C. 1 third D. 1 fifth

47 Question 5. In what year could Caesar try to become Consul? A. 56 BC B. 57 BC C. 58 BC D. 59 BC


49 Caesar decided to stand for Consul. He then talked to his two best allies, Pompey and Crassus. Caesar then made Julia marry Pompey. Caesar then married Calpurnia, daughter of Lucius Piso, who was to become Consul in 58 BC. There was little doubt that Caesar would win the election, therefore Cato and the Optimates did everything to prevent him getting the military command he wanted. After massive bribery, they secured election of Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, to the other Consulship. Caesar and Bibulus took up the office as Consul on the first of January, 59 BC.



52 In the spring of 58 BC, Caesar's troops were already in the eastern parts of his province. Caesar should of taken his armies back to the south. But Caesar had by now changed his mind: he now set out to conquer all of Gaul. After his battles, it seemed easy. The Rhône-Saône-Rhine corridor was the biggest trade route in pre-industrial Europe, with amber and slaves being the most important goods. He could open new markets for the Mediterranean traders. British tin was transported along the rivers Garonne and Seine: an additional bonus.

53 The Gallic tribes knew the danger. During the winter, the northern tribes, formed an anti-Roman group. This was exactly what Caesar wanted. Now he had another excuse to conquer all of Gaul. In the spring of 57 BC, he created two armies and together with the other troops, he surprised the Belgian nation of the Remi, who lived in modern Reims. His presence stopped the Remi from joining the Belgian attack on the Romans, and as it happened, they even joined with Caesar.

54 During the same year, a smaller Roman army had gone to the west of modern France and demanded all of the nations in Normandy and Brittany. Its commander was Marcus Licinius Crassus.

55 Now all Gaul had at least nominally submitted to Rome.

56 Caeasr’s engineers built a bridge over the Rhine, and the troops crossed into the country showing the Germans that the Romans were strong. Having impressed the Germans, the Gauls, and the Senate, Caesar turned to the west, where a large ship which would attack Britain. In 54 BC, Caesar attacked Britain again. He won.

57 Now Caesar had conquered Gaul.

58 There are 5 multiple choice questions. Click on the answer you think is best. There is no time limit. Click the arrow to continue.

59 Question 1. What country did the tin that was traded in The Rhône-Saône- Rhine come from? A. Germany B. Britain C. Gaul D. Italy

60 Question 2. What did the Gallic tribes create? A. Roman Club B. A Market C. An Anti-Roman Club D. A bridge

61 Question 3. Where did Crasus go to demand all the nations of Normandy and Brittany? A. France B. Britain C. Rome D. Asia

62 Question 4. What did Caesar’s engineers build? A. Temple B. City C. Car D. Bridge

63 Question 5. In which year did Caesar Attack Britain and win the battle? A. 52 BC B. 53 BC C. 54 BC D. 55 BC


65 Crassus was killed in 53 BC and the Senate feared a civil war. Pompey decided that the Senate was good so he decided it was right to listen and obey them. He was in a better position than Caesar. If Caesar refused to obey, he would be declared an enemy. The Senate would be forced to choose another commander with extraordinary powers. It would be Pompey. In 49 BC, Caesar had to hand over his ten well-trained legions to a new governor. Caesar did not like this so he chose to rebel.

66 Two months after the start of the Civil War, Caesar became the leader of Italy and was named dictator.

67 Pompey was in Greece and he managed to raise an army of nine legions and a fleet of 300 ships. Two more legions were still coming. Pompey was now ready to attack Caesar. Caesar's navy was defeated and for a half year Pompey and Caesar stayed near each other and they built large fortresses facing each other.

68 The united army was defeated and Caesar had only one choice. It was to march across the Pindus Mountains and defeat Pompey's army somewhere in Greece, This soon happened in the battle of Pharsalus, where Caesar's stronger men defeated Pompey's larger army.

69 Pompey survived the Battle of Pharsalus, and went to Egypt, which Caesar followed and the two of his legions came with him. When Caesar arrived, they found out that Pompey had been killed by soldiers of King Ptolemy XIII, who hoped that Caesar would support him in his quarrel with his older sister Cleopatra VII. Though it wasn’t like that at all. Caesar had wanted to kill Pompey and was angry with the king. When Caesar met Cleopatra stunned by her good looks and chose to be with her in the Alexandrine War. Caesar and Cleopatra spent some time together and Cleopatra became pregnant. The child was named Caesarion.

70 Caesar was free to return to Rome in 47 BC. Though he was unaware that his enemies, the last of the republicans, had been able to find each other in Africa.

71 There are 5 multiple choice questions. Click on the answer you think is best. There is no time limit. Click the arrow to continue.

72 Question 1. In which year was Crassus killed? A. 51 BC B. 52 BC C. 53 BC D. 54 BC

73 Question 2. How long into the civil war did it take for Caesar to become dictator? A. 2 days B. 2 weeks C. 2 months D. 2 years

74 Question 3. how many ships did Pompey put together to create a fleet? A. 200 B. 300 C. 350 D. 400

75 Question 4. In which battle did Caesar’s stronger men defeat Pompey’s army? A. Battle of Pharsalus B. Battle of Gaul C. Battle of Pompey D. Battle in the Rhine

76 Question 5. What was the name of Caesar’s and Cleopatra's son? A. Caesar Junior B. Cleus C. Gaius Cleot Caesar D. Caesarion


78 Some senators were jealous of Caesar decided to kill him. They would do it when the Senate would meet on 15 March 44 BC.

79 Caesar was sick on that day, and he decided to stay home. His wife Calpurnia, had some bad nightmares that he would die. This contributed to the decision for Caesar to stay home. Brutus' brother Decimus, visited them and made Caesar come. During the trip to Pompey's theater, where the Senate would meet, Several people handed over requirements. Caesar held on to them. Caesar however did not read a notice showing the plot. Kill Caesar

80 When Caesar arrived the senators gathered around him to pay their respects. Tillius surprisingly caught Caesar's toga. Caesar ordered his guard to take the man away. Before the guard has a chance another senator, Publius Servilius Casca Longus, stabbed Caesar. As Caesar tried to escape, he was stopped by another wound. He then realized he was surrounded by men with daggers. He knew it was then end. He was stabbed twenty three times.


82 The End! Go back to the website by pressing the word Caesar Caesar

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