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Session 4 “Assessing research integration and its potential impact” Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch University of Mannheim / University of Bremen Findings from.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4 “Assessing research integration and its potential impact” Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch University of Mannheim / University of Bremen Findings from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 4 “Assessing research integration and its potential impact” Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch University of Mannheim / University of Bremen Findings from the CONNEX Statistical Network Analysis


3 Evolution of the number of contacts between network members Sept 04 June 05 March 08 April 06 April 07

4 Quantitative and qualitative integration T1 - Sept 2004Number Increase in comparison to foreyear Contacts N=90 Amount contacts934 valued contacts1707 T2- June 2005 Contacts N=90 Amount contacts14261,5 valued contacts24051,4 T3- April 2006 * Contacts N=90 Amount contacts18701,3 valued contacts30101,3 T4- June 2007 Contacts N=100 Amount contacts22231,2 valued contacts38811,3 T5- March 2008 Contacts N= 99 Amount contacts31181,4 valued contacts52842,4

5 Evolution of interdisciplinary connections between members Red= political science | Blue= sociology | Yellow= economics | Grey= law Green= other Sept 2004

6 March 2008 Evolution of interdisciplinary connections between members Red= political science | Blue= sociology | Yellow= economics | Grey= law Green= other

7 Contacts structure between participants with different degrees of academic seniority Red= Professor / Senior Blue= Post-Doc / Junior Yellow= PhD Sept 04

8 Contacts structure between participants with different degrees of academic seniority Red= Professor / Senior Blue= Post-Doc / Junior Yellow= PhD March 08

9 Evolution of core periphery relationship Yellow= core Blue= south Red= east / periphery Sept 04

10 Evolution of core periphery relationship Yellow= core ( Germany, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Belgium, EUI, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden) ) Blue= south ( France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) Red= east / periphery ( Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia ) March 08

11 T1 average number of contacts T3 average number of contacts Contacts increase T3/T1 (%) T5 average number of contacts Contacts increase T5/T3 (%) Contacts increase T5/T1 (%) ALL Participants10,420,8200,0%31,5151,4%302,9% Male1020,9209,0%30,7146,9%307,0% Female11,220,5183,0%33,5163,4%299,1% Core13,625,2185,3%34,7137,7%255,1% Southern periphery614,8246,7%24,6166,2%410,0% Eastern Periphery4,412,5284,1%25,7205,6%584,1% Prof/Senior13,324,9187,2%33,8135,7%254,1% PostDoc8,819215,9%32,5171,1%369,3% PhD candidates38,7290,0%20,2232,2%673,3% Research integration and the reduction of imbalances

12 Evolution of most valued contacts Joint activities & joint cooperation T1T3T5 Core139312538 Southern periphery375261 Eastern periphery103237 Prof/Senior116231371 PostDoc5999175 PhD91342

13 Impact of research integration on the contact of individuals Case 1 Senior scholar from Poland Sept 04 April 06 March 08

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