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Thoughts on Strategic Staff Development at an Entrepreneurial University Jon File, CHEPS Zagreb, November 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Thoughts on Strategic Staff Development at an Entrepreneurial University Jon File, CHEPS Zagreb, November 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thoughts on Strategic Staff Development at an Entrepreneurial University Jon File, CHEPS Zagreb, November 2004

2 Some Key Characteristics Founded 1961; one of younger NL Univs.Founded 1961; one of younger NL Univs. Regional mission: demise textile industryRegional mission: demise textile industry Started as Technical Univ. but broadenedStarted as Technical Univ. but broadened Remained small and “in the East”Remained small and “in the East” To fight vulnerability: try to become much more independent from governmentTo fight vulnerability: try to become much more independent from government

3 Mission educationeducation –outstanding quality researchresearch –international level –spearheads environmentenvironment –economic and social development networksnetworks –public and private partners campuscampus –academic culture design-oriented approachdesign-oriented approach –education and research

4 The Integrated Entrepreneurial Culture

5 Academic Entrepreneurs? Education: minor & major, digital learning environmentEducation: minor & major, digital learning environment Research: external orientation, >350 spin-off companiesResearch: external orientation, >350 spin-off companies Students: independence (Student Union) & entrepreneurs (USE); >100 student businessesStudents: independence (Student Union) & entrepreneurs (USE); >100 student businesses Internal organisation: relatively independent base units; decentralisation; stimulation fundsInternal organisation: relatively independent base units; decentralisation; stimulation funds

6 Excellent Quality in Education University of Twente: the best technical university in the NetherlandsUniversity of Twente: the best technical university in the Netherlands

7 But we have no Strategic Staff Development Policies!


9 USAUK Differences across systems CE A new convergence?

10 “COUNCIL” supervisory EXECUTIVE stronger ADMINISTRATION professionalising FACULTIES SCHOOLS Teaching, research & contracts The five major sites of internal institutional authority “SENATE” academic policy

11 Organisation 5 FACULTIES Deans 6 RESEARCH INSTITUTES Scientific Directors EXECUTIVE BOARD 3 members Services

12 Center for Higher Education Policy Studies University of Twente, The Netherlands CHEPS interdisciplinary research centre (1984) Economics Finance Governance Management Quality Comparative HE Studies M & D Education Projects Short Courses Consultancy Strong International Research & Project Network Major Research areas

13 Some key characteristics of CHEPS 20 fte research staff, plus support staff >50% with PhDs Main fields: Higher Education Policy, Economics Public Policy, Education Developmental trajectory Initial focus on Dutch HE Broadens to EU, OECD then C&E Europe, Southern & Eastern Africa, & Asia Euro Annual Budget close to 2,5 million Euro 1/4 1st and 2nd stream basic research 3/4 3rd stream applied research, and projects

14 CHEPS AND EUROPE: 2000 - 2004 Cheps staff originate Cheps has PhD candidates or graduates Cheps has research or consultancy projects Countries where:

15 CHEPS BEYOND EUROPE: 2000 - 2004 CHEPS BEYOND EUROPE: 2000 - 2004 Cheps staff originate Cheps has PhD candidates or graduates Cheps has research or consultancy projects Countries where:


17 One of our ‘Real time’ conclusions “We are unconvinced abut the existence of really workable ‘global’ management models, but we are convinced that effective and modern HE leadership and management approaches will be developed out of regional and national traditions and experiences”“We are unconvinced abut the existence of really workable ‘global’ management models, but we are convinced that effective and modern HE leadership and management approaches will be developed out of regional and national traditions and experiences” Jon File and Leo Goedegebuure, 2003


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