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1 Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window:. 2 IROICA – 20.06.2008 „My participation in the project gives me access to modern knowledge provided by.

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1 1 Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window:

2 2 IROICA – 20.06.2008 „My participation in the project gives me access to modern knowledge provided by EU-university. I am happy to discover my individual potential while I am adapting to new surroundings and I have the chance to feel cultural differences during my stay in Germany. Olesya Shurmeleva, MSc-student, University of Hohenheim

3 3 1. Eastern Europe Centre IROICA – 20.06.2008 - EEC founded in 1995 as an interdisciplinary centre at University of Hohenheim - Its responsibility is the support and co-ordination of interdisciplinary activities within the University’s specific research areas of natural sciences, agricultural sciences and economics concerning Eastern Europe

4 4 1. Eastern Europe Centre IROICA – 20.06.2008 Networking To establish a scientific network with universities and research institutions Research To plan and to co-ordinate interdisciplinary research projects in the field of natural and agricultural sciences, economics and social sciences Education To plan and to co-ordinate education projects for different levels of participants: students, assistants and professors Consulting To give advise for university reform projects and to participate in consultancy projects of the EU Projects in CEE To plan strategic reform projects together with scientific, political and administrative institutions The Centre’s functions and activities:

5 5 2. IAMONET – RU: Background and Activities IROICA – 20.06.2008 EM ECW in a glance… It is a new EU funded programme Global co-operation and mobility scheme in the area of HEI-cooperation One of the goals is to increase attractiveness of HE in the EU and in third Countries

6 6 2. IAMONET – RU: Russian Partner Universities IROICA – 20.06.2008

7 7 2. IAMONET – RU: Main Objectives IROICA – 20.06.2008 ■ Implementation of a sustainable International Academic Mobility Network between EU and Russian HEIs ■ Mobility Flows: 252Target Group 1RU -> EU 10Target Group 2RU -> EU 48Target Group 1EU -> RU on BSc, MSc, PhD, Post Doc and Academic Staff-Level

8 8 2. IAMONET – RU: Project Actions IROICA – 20.06.2008 ■ Scientific education and training ■ Joint research activities ■ Development of updated teaching materials ■ Further reform of current Russian study programmes according to the Bologna recommendations ■ Transfer of know-how related to the introduction of ECTS from EU to Russian universities

9 9 3. Management of IAMONET - RU IROICA – 20.06.2008 BSc/MSc 6-months EU -> RU:Learning Agreement Translation of national marks into ECTS-credits RU -> EU:Learning Agreement Courses similar to those at the home institution are fully recognised ECTS-credits are translated into national marks Courses different from those at the home institution are recognised as additional performances Individual study plans Missed courses and exams can be passed before or after the mobility flow

10 10 IROICA – 20.06.2008 „This program opened a new world to me. It gave me new perspectives for my personal life and my scientific career. I would say its a tipping point for all my future plans“ Nathalia Khromova, PhD University of Hohenheim

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