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{ Julius Caesar Reeves Oyster. Family Tree

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1 { Julius Caesar Reeves Oyster

2 Family Tree

3 Important Dates Caesar elected Quaestor in 69 B.C. Caesar elected Aedile in 65 B.C. Caesar elected Praetor in 62 B.C. Caesar elected Consul in 59 B.C.

4 Political Terms www.JuliusCaesardictator_forlifejpg. com

5   Child of Aurelia, wife of Gaius Julius Caesar   Born as an aristocrat   Family claimed to be descendants from Venus, the Roman goddess of love   When Caesar was 16, his father died, and Caesar took over as the head of his family   Marries Cornelia, daughter of Cinna, to befriend Cinna as an ally   Cinna was killed by Sulla, who then became dictator of Rome   Sulla ordered Caesar to divorce Cornelia; however he refused and had to flee Rome Childhood

6   Worked for governor of the Province of Asia, and was sent on several diplomatic missions   Awarded Civic Crown (Rome’s second highest award for courage in war)   Became a lawyer   Left Rome, interaction with Pirates Returned to Rome, and ran for military tribune (officer who shared command of legion) won. Beginning of Power

7  War against Spartacus  Meets Crassus and Pompey  Crassus and Pompey are elected consuls  Caesar runs for quaestor (lowest ranking in magistrate in Rome)  Elected quaestor Military Tribune

8  Elected praetor  Wanted to become consul, brought Crassus and Pompey together  First Triumvirate between Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey  Elected consul in 59 B.C. with Bibulus  Before he left office as consul, he was granted 5 term as commander in Gaul Ruler of Rome

9  Crassus killed in 53 B.C.  Pompey became jealous of Caesar and tried to over throw him  Brought Rome to Civil War (Pompey Vs. Caesar) Return to Rome

10   Ptolemy XIII presents Caesar with Pompey’s head   Caesar was outraged and stormed Alexandria to capture Ptolemy   Cleopatra begged Caesar to take Ptolemy out of power   Caesar fell in love with her   Caesar defeated Ptolemy and made Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt In Egypt

11  Rome was not in good shape  In 45 B.C. he demanded that the senators make him dictator for life  Caesar treated it like kingship Caesar Returns Home

12  “The Liberators” planned to assassinate Caesar  March 15, 44 B.C.  Senators surrounded Caesar, and then stabbed him with daggers until he died  Senate held mass funeral  People of Rome were angry and took over the streets demanding revenge for the murder Ides of March

13 Freeman, Philip. Julius Caesar. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008. "Julius Caesar Biography." Accessed March 15, 2013. McConnell, Stacy A. Discovery Collection. Accessed April 21, 2013. &sort=RELEVANCE&inPS=true&prodI=GPS&userGroupName= cent1012admin&tabID=T001&searchId=R2&resultListType=RES ULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&cu rrentPosition=2&contentSet=GALE%7CEJ2173110046&&docId= GALE|EJ2173110046&docType=GALE&role=DC. Rinaldo, Denise. Julius Caesar: Dictator for Life. New York: Franklin Watts, 2010. Bibliography

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