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The fantastic five Aristiya Putri W.G M. Raihan R. Naufal Ressel Effendi.J Ristia Agiska Putri Valdi Nadhif.L.S.

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Presentation on theme: "The fantastic five Aristiya Putri W.G M. Raihan R. Naufal Ressel Effendi.J Ristia Agiska Putri Valdi Nadhif.L.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 The fantastic five Aristiya Putri W.G M. Raihan R. Naufal Ressel Effendi.J Ristia Agiska Putri Valdi Nadhif.L.S

2 Old Building Hello every body. In this time we’ll talk about old building in our city. There’s so much old building in my city, but we want to tell you about Gedung Sate. Before we talk about Gedung Sate, we’d like to tell you about our country, and off course our city.

3 Indonesia


5 Indonesia has the big fourth human resources in the world. Peoples of Indonesia is about 237,6 million and always increase every time. May be some peoples in another country didn’t know that Indonesia is a beautiful country with different culture and exotic view of it nature.

6 Indonesia has 33 Province with different culture. Now, let’s see a map of my Province. West Java Province….

7 West Java


9 Well, that’s my Province. Big enough right? Now let’s see a map of my beautiful city, Bandung city. Well, that’s my Province. Big enough right? Now let’s see a map of my beautiful city, Bandung city.

10 This is the map of Bandung city

11 History of Bandung City In the beginning of the 1920s, the Dutch East Indies government made plans to move the capital of Dutch East Indies from Batavia to Bandung. Accordingly, during this decade, the Dutch colonial government started building military barracks, the central government building (Governments Bedrijven, the present-day Gedung Sate) and other governments buildings.

12 Gedung sate

13 Introduction For West Java’s society, the present Gedung Sate existence becomes a regional head office of West Java government, giving an individual pride. In addition, having the high historical value, this existence of building is not only known by the native society but also nationally. This building is a historical asset, and international world factually knew it.

14 A glance of the erection history Gedung Sate was constructed on July 27 1920. Firstly this building was actually erected at that time as government central which the Dutch Government established Bandung City as a capital of their colony country in Indonesia. Gedung Sate was constructed with the steady planning by a team was chaired by retired Colonel V.L. Slors and it’s members, among

15 A glance of the erection history Ir. J. Berger, well known as young architect who has graduated from engineering Faculty of Delft, Nederland, Ir. Eh. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks with the “Gemeente van Bandoeng” party. The erection of Gedung Sate involved about 2000 laborers. In period of fourth years.

16 Architecture of Gedung Sate Ar chitectual style of Gedung Sate, according to Cor Pashier was hat new from or style selectivity that integrated the Eastern and Western styles which were supported by the advance constructional technique from the Western. Other opinion was come from D. Ruhl which was resumed in his book “Bandoeng en haar Hoogvlakte (1952)”. His opinion Gedung Sate was the most beautiful building in Indonesia (het mooiste gebouw van Indonesia.

17 Gedung Sate as head office of West Java Government Since 1980 Gedung Sate became the government center of West Java Province after in stage move from Gedung Kertamukti in Braga street Bandung. Gedung Sate was known with governor office, because, the center West Java Province activities and the working room of governor existed in second floor of this building with the deputies.

18 Gedung Sate as tourist object Because its beauty, Gedung Sate has been one of the tourist object in Bndung city. There are much tourist either from Domestic one foreign one who are visited to observed from the near distance this historical building. Especially the foreign tourist, there are so much from them who are intentionally visiting this building.

19 Gedung Sate In both eastern and western there are two large rooms will being considering us on the ballroom which existed on the Europe society building. Not known clearly that both large rooms on the Dutch colonial era was used what activities but since becoming the government center west java province, the room were used to the formal activities.

20 Gedung Sate There is one more building that accompanying Gedung Sate. In line with the government of Indonesian Government, on 1997. green field in the western of Gedung Sate is erected a building with styling of Gedung Sate architecture but with the contextual style

21 The Road to Bandung From airport you can take bus Primajasa or train to bandung You will go down in BSM (Bandung Supermall) You can rest in Papandayan Hotel Bandung If you want go to Gedung Sate,you can take taxi from hotel to Gedung sate


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