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Prepositions Learning Zone - Inglés Universidad Metropolitana Título V Campus.

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1 Prepositions Learning Zone - Inglés Universidad Metropolitana Título V Campus

2 Definition In English we use the following prepositions to indicate: a. time b. Place c. Location or direction

3 Categories Prepositions of: Time Direction Location Practice Click on the subject you would like to explore.

4 In English language we use prepositions to talk about time. Those prepositions are: Preposition of Location inonat Click the circles to explore.

5 Preposition “In” Use “in” when you talk about: MonthsMy anniversary is in September. YearsIvan went to college in 1996. SeasonsWe will travel in Summer. MorningI take a bath in the morning. AfternoonShe has a date in the afternoon. EveningMy parents will leave in the evening.

6 Preposition “On” Use “on” when you talk about: Days of the week She does not like to go to work on Mondays. Tiffany loves to go shopping on Fridays. Date I was born on January 27, 1986. My wedding is on June 23, 2009.

7 Preposition “At” Use “at” when you talk about: Exact time The meeting will start at 8:00 p.m. My date is at 7 o’ clock. Night My favorite T.V. show is at night. Carla is going to come at night.

8 Prepositions of Direction are used to clarify the direction of someone or something. Here is a table with all of them. Preposition of Direction Click here

9 Prepositions of Direction - Table WordTranslationExample acrossal otro lado deThe park is across the street. alonga lo largo deJull and Stephen walk along the beach. behinddetrás deThe store is behind the mall. besideal lado de, junto aThe hospital is beside the parking lot. betweenentreMy house is between the church and the mall. byporHe lives in the house by the lake. close tocerca deThe park is close to the beach.

10 Prepositions of Direction - Table WordTranslationExample In front ofen frente deThe restaurant is in front of the office. next toal lado deMy apartment is next to your apartment. pastdespués deGo past the school. througha través de They need to run through the park. towardhaciaWe walk toward the mountain. downmás abajo deCarlos went down the hill. upmás arriba deFlora went up the hill.

11 They tell where someone or something is. Those prepositions are: Prepositions of Location inonat Click the circles to explore.

12 Preposition “In” Use “in” when you talk about: CityWe live in Manhattan. StateManhattan is in New York. CountryNew York is in the United States. ContinentThe United States is in North America.

13 Preposition “On” Use “on” when you talk about: Street Her store is on Fifth Avenue. My house is on Park Road. Floor Carlos works on the third floor. There is a fire on the second floor of the building.

14 Preposition “At” Use “at” when you talk about: Building They are at the bank. We meet at the hotel. Specific address The store is at 25 Main Street. I live at 1457 Sedgwick Street.

15 Practice: Identify the function of the preposition. 1. 1.My birthday is on September 30. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 2. 2.We will travel to France in Winter. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 3. 3.We were sitting by the pool. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 4. 4.My car is at my mother’s house. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 5. 5.Dinner is on the table. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location)



18 Practice: Identify the function of the preposition. 6. 6.Michael sat next to me. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 7. 7.Will you wait for me at school ? (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 8. 8.The next flight is at 7 o’clock. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 9. 9.The garlic is in the fridge, next to the sauce. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location) 10. 10.I will see you in the morning. (time)(time) (direction) (location)(direction)(location)



21 Bibliography:  Book: Grammar Link Second Edition  Linda Butler – Janet Podnecky

22 Prepared by:   Cristabel R. Ocasio Ilarraza   Nirazette L. González Abella

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