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Objective 02/14/2013 Describe global wind patterns. INTRO

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 02/14/2013 Describe global wind patterns. INTRO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 02/14/2013 Describe global wind patterns. INTRO What causes the wind to blow? Does it always blow in the same direction?

2 Wind

3 Wind

4 Wind Why does air move? Differences in air pressure create wind
Air moves from HIGH to LOW pressure Due to uneven heating of Earth Ch. 15, Sec. 3, QC 1

5 Wind Where are Pressure Belts? Bands of high and low pressure
On latitudes at every 30° on the earth Let’s add to our diagram! Ch. 15, Sec. 3, QC 2

6 Wind Coriolis Effect The curving of wind due to the Earth’s rotation
Let’s add to our diagram! Ch. 15, Sec. 3, QC 3

7 Coriolis Force

8 Wind Global Winds Polar Easterlies Westerlies Trade Winds The Doldrums
Horse Latitudes Let’s add to our diagram!

9 Wind Jet stream Narrow belt of strong winds that blow in upper troposphere Can reach max. speed of 300mph Affects movement of storms and even planes!

10 Global Atmospheric Circulation Model

11 Winds Sea Breeze Land Breeze
During the day, land warms faster than water, so the warm air rises Cool air comes in from the ocean Water warms slower than land, so by nightfall, warm air rises above the ocean Cool air then comes in from the land Ch. 15, Sec. 3, QC 5

12 Wind Warm air moves UP the mtn. during day
Cold air moves DOWN the mtn. during night Mountain and Valley Breezes

13 Wind Summary Why does air move?
Does all air move the same? Give an example.

14 Objective 02/14/2013 Describe global wind patterns. Outro Why is it always a good time to fly a kite at the beach?

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