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Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 1 Project Overview and Progress.

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1 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 1 Project Overview and Progress

2 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 2 CONTEXT  2010 is the Year against poverty and social exclusion. The European Commission is proposing a series of actions to help Member States and other actors tackle the gaps in health and wealth which exist between and within countries in the EU where 78 million people live in poverty.  Health, Poverty and Social Exclusion are strongly inter-related concepts. Health is not only the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mentaland social well- being.

3 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 3 CONTEXT  Everyone coming to Europe should benefit from high level of protection of their health in different aspect. The health of the population is critical to economic performance. Net migration into Europe is increasing, and is now the largest component of population change.  From IOM organization, the number of migrant population in Europe in 2010 are 69,8 million.

4 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 4 AIMS OF THE PROJECT The overall goal of this project is to identify and develop tools and good practice modules in addressing the issue of poverty and health inequalities among migrants.

5 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 5 We want to : knowledge, experiences and good practices among countries and cities with different situations, in order to learn from each other. 2.elaborate recommendations and operative conclusions targeted at European, national, regional and local stakeholders. 3. support partners to develop local action plans

6 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 6 Who co-finances this project?  INTI = Integration of Third Country Nationals  Implemented by Directorate General of Freedom, Security and Justice  It is targeted primarily to newly arrived third country nationals and  in general to legally-residing Third-Country Nationals INTI’s purpose is to facilitate the integration of third country nationals into European societies, in accordance with the Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union.

7 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 7 Partnership Camara Municipal AmadoraPTPT QeC-ERANBE Exfini PoliGR University of BirminghamUK Municipality of MilanIT Belfast City CouncilUK Municipality of Roquetas de MarES Réseau SamdarraFR Province of PiacenzaIT

8 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 8 DETAILS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT LENGTH: –18 MONTHS –Start date of project: 1 December 2009 End date of the project: 31 May 2011

9 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 9 ACTIONS Local Action Groups Local mapping Transnational Peer Reviews Exchange and reflection on policy and practice Migrant Ngo’s Public Services Universities and Researcher Public Istitutions Report on the local situation to be publish. Three thematics to share Whorshops and Presentation of case studies Networking

10 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 10 Activity: Three Transnational Peer Reviews, Exchange & Development PRW 1 PRW 2 Workshps PRW 3 LAGs External Experts Local issues Share practice: Case studies

11 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 11 THEME I Sensitising professionals from health services providers to meet the needs of migrant groups THEME II Mental Health and pre/post maternity services for migrants in Europe

12 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 12 Qec LIVE:a tool for the project Forums Groups My Unread My account Create content Feed aggregator

13 Second Transnational Meeting 9/12 November 2010 13 Thank you!!! Giulia Cantaluppi project coordinator

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