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May 1999 Engagement and Communication. 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-2 May 1999 How are we going to make it different this time? Both are needed to make.

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Presentation on theme: "May 1999 Engagement and Communication. 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-2 May 1999 How are we going to make it different this time? Both are needed to make."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 1999 Engagement and Communication

2 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-2 May 1999 How are we going to make it different this time? Both are needed to make the change Tell the storyCreate the energy Activities and Initiatives Mobilising the leadership to create the operational environment in which the sector prospers

3 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-3 May 1999 Motivators for change Painting the reality Dissatisfaction is so bad it pushes individuals to change Allow actions to self-generate Taskforce initiatives lead to some change and spur action for more Individuals are pulled to a brighter future Aspirational but attainable vision Different people are motivated by a different mix of one or more of these drivers

4 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-4 May 1999 Process Needs to cater for the different motivations Needs to be energising Needs to build ownership Need to get Stakeholders to the point where they say: I UNDERSTAND HOW TO, AND WANT TO TAKE TO ACTION TO IMPROVE THIS SECTOR AND MY LOT.

5 May 1999 What is OGITF Objective ?

6 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-6 May 1999 Objective Get people to use the Products developed by the OGITF e.g. Competitiveness Innovation & Technology Skills & Training Sustainable Development Regulation Get people to invent yet more Products relevant to them and their subsector Why ? Better for Performance eg: Doubled well value for each £ spent - Consultancy - First Point Assessment - Brokering Service - Nova Fund - Register with labour pool - Investors in people - Flare consent trading - Stakeholder dialogue - Changing commercial practices

7 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-7 May 1999 Examples of Engagement to Date Subgroups have already been engaging large numbers of people e.g. Sustainable development - Stakeholder developed Regulation group - Operators in changes to regulation Fiscal group - Operators & suppliers in tax discussion Workgroup Tools Competitiveness Innovation & Technology Skills & Training Sustainable development Regulation Fiscal Subsector Delivery Seismic supplier goals Drilling supplier goals Project Contractor goals Offshore Production supplier goals Reservoir supplier goals Operator goals Sub supplier goals via Individuals / Companies

8 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-8 May 1999 Communication and Engagement Pros Simple process Feeds data out over time to keep interest levels Limited resources needed Communication Series of communication tools ie. Press and Information packs, video, website information Series of announcement platforms Follow-up conferences to initiative launches Task Force 2 initiative launches Time Cons Limited ownership Experience shows that energy levels fall Limited penetration

9 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-9 May 1999 Communication and Engagement Pros Broad stakeholders acceptance Need for change is self determined Change process is self-managed Lasting approach More activity generated Engagement gains understanding / ownership All of the communication plan plus………. Peer group information and feedback on the whole process and sub-group activity Leadership engagement event Regional engagement events Individual organisation activity Time Cons Requires more initial resources Change in leadership style Could be seen as risky

10 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-10 May 1999 Preliminary Conclusions Each group of stakeholders will need considering specifically For each subsector there is much more clarity needed about: Goals - Requirements (to meet the vision) - What people will subscribe to What will best motivate them to take effective action Who wants to be - told / sold - engaged Etc……. There needs to be more clarity about the amount of effort required for engagement and by whom Engagement should be achieved using not just vision but also the sub group tools Practically leadership and regional engagement cannot happen before the launch The leader population for the industry comprises around 400 people Engagement has shared and is feasible

11 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-11 May 1999 Next Steps To develop further both options and the process Present worked up alterations for approval at the next Taskforce meeting on 29th June

12 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-12 May 1999 Pre-July Communications For TimelineInitiativeStatus Approval MAY:Information PackActive Weekly Industry BriefingActive Buddies ProgrammeActive WebsiteActive I.E.P. email listActive JUNE:Management seminars and interaction process.ProposedNOW Co-ordinating definition and time-tabling of deliverables.Under developmentJUNE JULY:Launch pack development.Under development JULY Local media/Oil and Gas community communication plan. Under developmentJULY AUG:Communications co-ordination process Start late June JULY Active Launch Pack Production and roll-out.JulyJULY SEPT:Launch announcementsT.B.AJULY

13 99corp\pa\o&g\200599ec01.ppt-13 May 1999 Communications Group - Proposed Personnel

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