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AoC Technology Conference April 2008 Jane Williams Executive Director FE, Skills & Regeneration.

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Presentation on theme: "AoC Technology Conference April 2008 Jane Williams Executive Director FE, Skills & Regeneration."— Presentation transcript:

1 AoC Technology Conference April 2008 Jane Williams Executive Director FE, Skills & Regeneration

2 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 1 A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page:

3 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 2 Technology in education Technology has a huge potential to… help colleges and providers to do their jobs better 01 produce real gains for learners and employers 02 and change how you and your organisations work - for the better 03

4 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 3 Our strategy

5 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 4 Our strategy Deployed creatively and efficiently, technology can transform the further education system on which people depend for learning new things, upgrading their skills and gaining qualifications. Bill Rammell MP Minister for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education

6 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 5 Our strategy Ian Watmore Permanent Secretary Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills The use of ICT to underpin education is crucial not only to the economy but also to the lives of everyone in society.

7 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 6 Our strategy Our strategy aims to help you identify: how to make the most of technology how to meet learners expectations how to engage with learners how to deliver in todays environment.

8 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 7 Our vision Becta wants to see: strategic investments based on effective procurement confident staff fit-for-purpose technology intelligent buildings and learning spaces effective and efficient systems informed learners - with people choosing what, where, when and how to learn.

9 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 8 Our vision A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page:

10 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 9 Use of technology 200220032004200520062007 0% 10 % 20 % 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% % households with access to the Internet, GB

11 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 10 Use of technology A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page:

12 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 11 Our strategic priorities Systematic national professional development programme in effective technology. Professional workforce standards for the technology skills. A supported network of business leaders advocating for flexible and online delivery. Learning opportunities through technology for the digitally excluded, for disadvantaged learners and for small businesses. The Next Generation Learning campaign to generate demand.

13 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 12 Our strategic priorities System-wide National Digital Infrastructure. Aggregated procurement leading to better value for money, with cashable savings. High quality content. Considering how to embed technology in the inspection process. Initial scoping to see if the incentives are right for delivering technology-based services.

14 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 13 The technology premium What we can achieve: Save a year, per college by using technology to record and analyse achievement 1,880 hours Increases in student satisfaction from 55% to 99% Technology helps improve subject understanding and allowed learners to fast track through courses say technology led to higher achievement and 54% of tutors 41% higher retention

15 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 14 Technology exemplars Alton College Bournemouth and Poole College Brockenhurst College City and Islington College Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education ISIS Training and Recruitment National Star College North Devon College South Devon College Xaverian Sixth Form College

16 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 15 Technology exemplars A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page:

17 Becta AoC Technology Conference, April 2008 16 Questions Where are we on the journey towards e-confidence? Do we treat technology as marginal or mainstream? How well do we understand the latest trends in technology? Are our learners way ahead of us? Can we meet their expectations? Do my colleagues have the IT skills to exploit technology? Are we using technology to advance personalisation? Are assessment, teaching and learning and admin systems properly linked? How to get past the jargon?

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