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Best Dam Lecture Ever!!.

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1 Best Dam Lecture Ever!!

2 US has 75,000 Large Dams (25 ft or higher)
China = 80,000 Dams

3 Colorado River Dams Hoover Dam
Used to provide energy and water to So. Calif and Vegas. Reservoir: lake formed behind dam. Lake Mead Hoover Dam

4 Hoover Dam

5 3 Gorges Dam Largest Dam, 1 mi. long on Yangtze River
Helps switch from coal  hydroelectricity. Dislocation of 1 mill. peeps, burial of artifacts, loss of fertile soil on floodplains. 1` 32en


7 Aswan Dam, Nile River: Creates Lake Nasser

8 How this Dam Water Works
Water released from behind reservoir Enters Dam Water spins a turbine machine in dam Turbine gens. hydroelectricity Electricity delivered 2 cities via power lines. Glen Canyon Dam


10 Dam Pros Supply water year round Electrical Power
Recreation benefits; boating & fishing No air pollution Water used for agriculture Inexpensive electricity Long economic life

11 Dam Cons Expensive to build, loss of human lives
Sediments don’t flow downstream  loss of nutrients Evaporation of fresh water behind dam  increases salinity Fish can’t travel upstream.

12 Dam failure  flood

13 Increased risk of disease  stagnant water (Mosquitoes and malaria)

14 Case Study: Steelhead/ Rainbow Trout
Born in freshwater rivers (rainbow) Swim out to ocean (steelhead) Return to same river (travel upstream) to have their babies. If dam is in place, cannot return to have babies  die

15 Case Study: Columbia River
Story about fish… Fixing problem

16 Fish Ladder Series of steps the fish hop over to travel upstream (get over dam).

17 Water Diversion Diverts or directs water to places in need.
(Irrigation, Drinking Water) Exs: LA and Colorado Aqueducts

18 Sharing Water Resources
3/4 of the worlds major river basins are shared b/t at least 2 nations International cooperation!!

19 Water Diversion Disaster
Aral Sea: In Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Rivers to inland sea have been diverted for irrigation

20 Case Study: Aral Sea Evaporation has increased salinity, no fish species exist Salt is blown to surrounding area health problems and decreasing crop production

21 Aral Sea-Was the 4th largest freshwater lake
1989 2003

22 And Now, 2009


24 Water Conservation

25 Irrigation Farmers must heavily irrigate-water crops- so plants can grow and to remove salt Efficient irrigation systems exist to lessen water: use of lasers, central pivot watering systems, timers. Central Pivot System

26 Agriculture H2O Conservation
Water crops at night (less evaporation) Breed/select crops that are drought tolerant Cover surface with mulch

27 Reducing City Water Use
Use Reclaimed Water: Treated Sewage Water: irrigate crops/water parks City Conservation Efforts: Consumer ed. (If it’s yellow, be mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down)

28 Conserving Water at Home
Install low flow shower heads Install low flush toilets Use dishwasher rather than by hand Take shorter showers (once a day, 10 mins/less)


30 Personal Fix leaks Don’t use water to clean sidewalks
Reduce amount of grass

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