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CONSTITUTION: Review Game  No Amendments. History 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "CONSTITUTION: Review Game  No Amendments. History 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONSTITUTION: Review Game  No Amendments

2 History 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Legislative Executive Judicial & Procedure Potpourri & Illinois JEOPARDY!

3 100 This was added to the Constitution to protect personal liberties. What is the Bill of Rights?

4 200 In this year, the Constitution became official. What is 1789?

5 300 This person is considered the “father of the Constitution.” Who is James Madison?

6 400 In this year, the state of Illinois became a state. What is 1818?

7 500 This was a major weakness of the Articles of the Confederation, our nation’s 1 st form of government. What is a unicameral legislature?

8 100 The members of this house of Congress serve a term of 2 years in office. What is the House of Representatives?

9 200 A senator has to have been a citizen of the United States for this many years. What is 9 years?

10 300 The person who is 1 st in the order of presidential succession is also the president of this. What is the Senate?

11 400 Congress can override a presidential veto when the Senate and the House pass the bill with this vote. What is a 2/3 majority?

12 500 These are powers of Congress. (Name at least 2.) What are declare war, coin money, create post offices, to raise armies, collect taxes, impeachment and others?

13 100 Being a natural-born citizen is only a qualification to be this. Who is the president?

14 200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! This is the formula to determine the number of electors in the electoral college. What is 100+435+3=538?

15 300 The president has the power to nominate these important judicial officers. Who are Supreme Court justices?

16 400 Accusing a president or federal judge of committing “high crimes” can lead to this. What is impeachment?

17 500 This member of the president’s cabinet is 4 th in line to be president. (Hint: The vice president is 1 st in line.) Who is the Secretary of State?

18 100 This branch of government decides whether or not a law is constitutional. What is the judicial branch?

19 200 Each state has at least this many votes in the electoral college. What is 3?

20 300 DAILY DOUBLE!!! The federal Supreme Court has 9 justices, but this is the title of the head justice (who swears in the new president on inauguration day). What is chief justice?

21 400 Article VII of the Constitution said that this many of the 13 original states had to ratify the Constitution. What is 9?

22 500 In order to ratify an amendment to the Constitution, this fraction of both houses of Congress or of state conventions must vote in favor of adding the amendment. What is 3/4?

23 100 This is the part of the Constitution that says it is the “supreme law of the land.” What is the supremacy clause?

24 200 This clause in the Constitution says that Congress has more powers that are not listed in the Constitution. What is the elastic clause or the necessary and proper clause?

25 300 All six executives of the Illinois government are put into office by this. What is election?

26 400 This person, who is the chief officer of a state, can grant pardons (like the president). Who is the governor?

27 500 This is the name for the Illinois legislative branch. What is the General Assembly?

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