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Welcome to your Second Semester AP Language Class. Get excited! (If you feel so inclined… I cannot force you, after all. Squirtel is pretty excited though.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your Second Semester AP Language Class. Get excited! (If you feel so inclined… I cannot force you, after all. Squirtel is pretty excited though."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your Second Semester AP Language Class. Get excited! (If you feel so inclined… I cannot force you, after all. Squirtel is pretty excited though. Just look at him.) TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 ST 1)Seating Chart 2)Homework: Refer to back of this handout. 3)Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing (it will be fun…intellectual fun…)

2 HOMEWORK SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 21 – 28 TH DUE DATESASSIGNMENT DUE January 22 (WED)Reading and annotating of 1920’s Historical Context Documents. Annotate assigned documents for SOAPSTone. January 24 (FRI) Reading and annotating “The Lost Generation” supplementary reading packet. January 27 th (Mon)Discussion posting on (What is the American Dream for your generation?) Directions on the back of this schedule. January 28 th (Tues)The Great Gatsby book due!

3 Directions for January 27 th Posting & January 31 st Response Posting 1)Consider the reading materials and discussions with your classmates concerning the following subjects: The Lost Generation, zeitgeist, Millennials, Generation Z, and the American Dream. We will have cultivated some conversation about these subjects by Friday, January 24 th. 2)Create a post describing the zeitgeist of your generation (determine if you identify yourself as a Millennial or Generation Z or another identifier entirely) and the relevance of ‘The American Dream’ to yourself and/or your generation. Your post should include your own definition of what this rather complicated term means. Use at least two specific pieces of evidence using appropriate MLA citation. 3)Your post should be at least one long paragraph. This is not a formal essay; however, it is a practice in thinking and writing towards a conversation (argument). 4)Submit your post by your class period time on Monday, January 27 th to Please enroll in a new class period, even if you had me last semester. Refer to back of this handout for an enrollment number and password. 5)Respond to two other posts submitted by your classmates. Please do so by Friday, January 31 st to

4 TURNITIN.COM REGISTRATION INFO & A REMINDER CLASS PERIODIDPASSWORD AP Language: Period 17555745oreos AP Language: Period 1 AP Language: Period 27555750oreos AP Language: Period 2 AP Language: Period 57555751oreos AP Language: Period 5 *As always, please let me know if you need any assistance for your account, assignments, existential crises (hopefully you do not have any). I will always make time for you. Email address:

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