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Hertfordshire 0-25 Integrated Commissioning Strategy for Children and Young People with additional needs 2015-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Hertfordshire 0-25 Integrated Commissioning Strategy for Children and Young People with additional needs 2015-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hertfordshire 0-25 Integrated Commissioning Strategy for Children and Young People with additional needs 2015-2018

2 Our mission We believe that establishing integrated commissioning arrangements and processes around children and young people with additional needs will improve co-ordinated packages of support, promote co-production, align processes, reduce duplication and above all improve outcomes.

3 Background The 0-25 Commissioning Strategy sits under the draft overarching Integrated Commissioning Strategy for CYP The outcomes within the 0-25 Strategy are aligned with that of the draft overarching strategy The 0-25 Strategy has been co-produced with all strategic partners including CYP and families

4 Approach Reflect the strategic priorities and statutory responsibilities of all partners Base on local intelligence from a range of sources Co produce with children, young people and families Focus on outcomes Co produce with all partner organisations

5 Priorities We will provide an integrated approach to assessments, planning, doing and reviewing of services and support that is person centred for 0-25 year old who have complex needs We will provide information and advice to CYP and families about services and support that is available to them; it will be accurate, high quality, easy to find and use We will establish an integrated Disability and Additional Needs Service for CYP (0-25) that is high quality and value for money Children and young people will be supported at key phases of their life so that ultimately they are able to successfully move into an adult life with improved life chances, independence and work

6 ‘Clear line of sight…. ….between outcomes and the Local Offer’ All activities can be understood, explained and measured by direct reference to the contribution they make to delivering jointly agreed outcomes Secure clarity of purpose for all staff in all roles – ‘delivering the outcomes’ Foster shared values and understanding across the service Keep the focus on measuring what matters and make sense to children, young people and families Help to secure a more coherent experience for children, young people and their families

7 Next steps Sign off strategy Develop delivery plan Implementation

8 Debate YP Commissioners Annual programme of priority services/activities – YP involvement Course and qualification Key Modules of Programme: – Assess, plan and review

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