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Endocrine system - are ductless or tubeless groups of cells that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

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Presentation on theme: "Endocrine system - are ductless or tubeless groups of cells that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endocrine system - are ductless or tubeless groups of cells that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

2 Hormones- are chemical substances that help regulate many body functions.

3 The blood carries hormones through the body to make mental and physical responses to them.

4 Growth is controlled by certain hormones. Factors such as stress, infection,changes in body fluid and minerals all may affect hormone levels.

5 The 2 main functions of the male reproductive system are to: produce and store sperm,(male gamets, or reproductive cells) and transfer them to the eggs of females.

6 Hormones produced in the pituitary gland stimulate the production of testosterone-the male sex hormone. Testosterone initiates physical secondary sex characteristics.

7 Sperm are the male reproductive cells. Millions are produced every day. They are produced in the testes.

8 Testicles are housed in the scrotum.

9 Semen is the thick fluid containing sperm. Semen is made in the prostate gland, cowper’s gland, and seminal vesicles. As the sperm moves through the male reproductive system, the sperm is mixed with these fluids to make semen.

10 The vas defernes are tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra. The urethra is the tube that semen and urine are passed out of the male body.

11 Sperm can not live in temperatures higher than normal body temperature of 98.6˚F. The scrotum helps keep the testes slightly below body temp..

12 When the body temperature rises, muscles attached to the scrotum relax causing the testes to lower away from the body. If body temperatures lower the muscles tighten to move testes closer to the warmth of the body.

13 Tight clothing that holds the testicles close to the body may interfere with sperm production.

14 Male reproductive health requires care and monitoring through out a male’s lifetime.These cares include: good personal hygiene, use protective gear when playing sports to avoid injury.

15 Avoid contracting STI’s. and practice abstinence prior to marriage, then only have monogamous relationships. Perform regular self - examinations once a month. Get regular checkups, (every 12-18 months).

16 TSE-(testicle self exam) should be done monthly. Stand in front of mirror. Look for swelling. Roll the testicles gently between the the thumbs and forefingers.

17 Cancerous lumps are usually found on the sides of the testicle but can appear on the front. Find the epididymis, the soft tubelike structure, behind each testicle so you would mistake it for a lump. If you find a lump- consult a doctor.

18 Some problems of the male reproductive system are: Inguinal hernia-(part of the intestine push through a tear in the abdominal wall. Can be repaired by surgery.

19 Sterility- inability to reproduce. Caused by poor sperm quality, or low sperm count, STI’s, hormonal imbalance, use of certain medicines, steriod use, exposure to radiation, toxic chemicals, lead, damage from mumps contracted during adulthood.

20 Testicular Cancer- can affect males of any age, but occurs most often in males 14-40 years old.

21 Facts about testicular cancer- the disease is 4 times more likely to occur in white men than African American men. Risk factors include having an undescended testicle or having a personal or family history of testicular cancer.

22 Prostate Cancer or Prostate problems- this gland can become enlarged as a result of infection or tumor or age.Early detection increases survival rates. The PSA test is used to detect Prostate cancer.

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