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Settling the Middle Colonies Competition A Holy Experiment A Refuge From Persecution.

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Presentation on theme: "Settling the Middle Colonies Competition A Holy Experiment A Refuge From Persecution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settling the Middle Colonies Competition A Holy Experiment A Refuge From Persecution

2 New Netherland European Competition - Dutch pursue fur trade w/Natives, like French Dutch Government’s - West India Trading Company vs. French, Company of One Hundred Associates - Fort Orange (Albany) to New Amsterdam (New York) - Native allies were Iroquois – French allied with Algonquin (Abenaki, Huron) - Slave trade brought more Africans as both slaves and indentured servants - Religious tolerance brought other Europeans ( Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Germans, Scandanavians)

3 Notable Dutch in History Peter Stuyvesant – Last Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam when British took over. Peter Minuet – Bought Manhattan for $24 in beads. Trial of John Peter Zenger 1 st time Freedom of the Press was protected by law.

4 Names of towns you Know are all Dutch! Why did the Dutch think it was important to settle up and down the Hudson River?

5 Fort Orange (Albany)


7 William Penn owned Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware; as the proprietor, he was the largest private American landowner, ever. He got the territory from King CharlesII of England in return for a debt owed to his father.

8 A(nother) Holy Experiment Quakers in Pennsylvania No land owning aristocracy 50 acres of land and the right to vote Representative assembly throughout territory Respect for Natives right to the land – bought it Opposed to war and had peaceful relations w/ Natives

9 Maryland Calvert Family (Lord Baltimore) Escaped Religious persecution Colony surrounded by protestant settlements after English revolution and feared persecution Passed Maryland Acts of Toleration to protect themselves

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