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Regal Chambers Surgery Patient Reference Group 10 th October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Regal Chambers Surgery Patient Reference Group 10 th October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regal Chambers Surgery Patient Reference Group 10 th October 2011

2 Regal Chambers Surgery Thank you and welcome to inaugural meeting Housekeeping Respect each other’s point of view Allow each person to speak This is not a forum for individual problems Although not strictly confidential some information may be sensitive so ask for your discretion

3 Regal Chambers Surgery All GPs are independent contractors, i.e. they are not directly employed by the NHS but they have a contract to provide General Medical Services. In essence, they are small businesses which is why each GP surgery is run slightly differently.

4 Regal Chambers Surgery Regal Chambers looks after over 12,500+ patients We have 9 Partners who work the equivalent of 6.5 whole time GPs (9 sessions/week) and 1 Salaried GP who works half-time There are 2 Minor Illness Nurses and 3 Practice Nurses who are 3.2 WTE (whole time equivalent) There are 2 Health Care Assistants who are 1.6 (WTE)

5 Regal Chambers Surgery The Clinical staff are supported by 6 Receptionists (4.3 WTE) 2 Secretaries (1.4 WTE) 3 Administrative staff (2.3 WTE) 2 Clinical Administrative staff (2.7 WTE) 1 Business Manager (F/T) 2 Housekeepers (P/T) We enjoy relatively low staff turnover although maternity cover, job changes and the creation of new posts has meant we have some new faces to inject fresh energy and ideas to the practice.

6 Regal Chambers Surgery The Practice is supported by a number of other clinicians such as Community Matrons, District Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwives, Phlebotomist, Warfarin Nurse, Counsellors and Dietitians

7 Regal Chambers Surgery We are a teaching and training practice which means we accept medical students as part of their training. They usually spend about a month with us. Dr. Mark Vorster and Dr. David Barratt are Trainers. We train qualified doctors who wish to continue with their vocational training to become GPs. These doctors can spend from between 4 months up to one year with the Practice. Provided they pass their exams and assessments, they can then work as GPs.

8 Regal Chambers Surgery We thought it might be helpful for you to get a flavour of our workload. On average a GP will have a minimum of 40 patient contacts per day either face-to-face or on the phone. They will also have home visits, letters to dictate, pathology results to check and calls from other professionals to handle. Minor Illness nurses can see in excess of 30 patients a day. These nurses have an additional qualification to be able to prescribe from a limited list Practice Nurses see patients for chronic disease management, injections, vaccinations, dressings assessment, smears, ear-syringing etc HCA’s see patients for lifestyle advice, dressings, hearing tests, ECGs, 24 hour BP monitoring etc.

9 Regal Chambers Surgery GPs are required to see patients for ‘core’ services during ‘core’ hours of 8.30am – 6.30pm. Outside of this their work can be covered by an Out of Hours Service which they contribute towards the costs of. GPs are required to achieve targets for childhood immunisations (90%) and cervical cytology (80%). Their latest contract includes something called QoF (Quality and Outcomes Framework) which sets targets in areas such as diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, COPD, asthma, smoking, flu immunisations etc Administratively, there are targets too for summarising patients records within 8 weeks of them joining the practice, for example. There are also Enhanced Services which are aimed at improving the health of people nationally (set by Department of Health) and locally (set by NHS Hertfordshire)

10 Regal Chambers Surgery


12 During the month of September 2011 63 new patients registered We saw or spoke to 9093 number of patients Clinicians did 1262 telephone consultations There were 86 patients who DNA’d (did not attend) = almost 5 wasted surgeries We processed 2269 prescriptions We did 692 home visits We actioned 2178 letters We made 317 referrals to hospital There were 6706 hits on our new website!

13 Regal Chambers Surgery Regal Chambers looks after 13 Nursing Homes and 10 beds at Hitchin Hospital We offer a minor surgery clinic for procedures that would otherwise be done at hospital We can fit coils and contraceptive implants

14 Regal Chambers Surgery We need to set priorities for our first patient survey. For example, 13 written complaints this year6 verbal complaints Telephones = 1Staff = 2 Care = 4Appointments = 3 Staff = 3Administration = 1 Appointment system = 3 Community staff = 1 Prescriptions = 1 We do not currently record the number of grumbles and complaints from staff about patient rudeness and abuse!

15 Regal Chambers Surgery We have a new website which will enable patients to complete forms and questionnaires on line. We have a new clinical computer system being installed at the end of the month which will enable patients to book appointments on line, request prescriptions on line and view their medical records on line.

16 Regal Chambers Surgery Contact Yvonne Pope – Business Manager Please respect that this is for PRG contact only Surgery number 01462 453232

17 Regal Chambers Surgery Over to you What now? The Govt would (ideally) like 50 people per PRG Patient survey? What do we want to know? How not to raise unrealistic expectations? Newsletter? Could PRG help with this? e-group or in person? How to attract more members?

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