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Submitted by OICA SGR appendix Consequences of a DOC procedure on the vehicle certification and registration process in Japan
*1 MOTAS: MOtor-car Total information Advanced System
Current certification & registration procedures in Japan Certification (1) Vehicle MFR obtains system approval based on the UN regulations (2) MFR obtains NTA using (1). Registration UN Application form (3) MLIT sends the vehicle inspection certificate data information to MOTAS*1 (4) MFR sends the completion inspection certificate(equivalent to CoC) to AIRAC*2 (5) AIRAC acts on the users’ request, provide completion inspection certificate to registration office (6) Registration office checks completion inspection information (7) Vehicle inspection certificate is issued Vehicle MFR (1) UN Approval /Certificate Authority (3) (6) UN-R Approval /certificate (7) NTA Application form (2) Vehicle Inspection Certificate data information NTA /Certificate Registration office Vehicle Inspection Certificate MLIT MOTAS*1 (4) (5) completion inspection certificate completion inspection certificate AIRAC*2 *1 MOTAS: MOtor-car Total information Advanced System : Vehicle Inspection Certificate data base *2 AIRAC: Automotive Information Relay & Archive Center : completion inspection certificate data base
Future certification & registration procedures with IWVTA and DETA
Authority DETA UN Application form (2) Vehicle MFR (1) UN Approval/ certificate UN Approval /certificate (5) IWVTA approval/certificate UN Approval/certificate IWVTA approval/certificate IWVTA application form (4) (3) (11) (12) (7) IWVTA approval/certificate NTA application form Vehicle Inspection Certificate data information Registration office (6) Vehicle Inspection Certificate NTA approval/certificate MLIT MOTAS Certification 1) Vehicle MFR obtains system approval based on the UN regulations (2) Authority uploads the system approval results of (1) to DETA (3) MFR obtains IWVTA using (1) (4) MLIT approves IWVTA using the system approval of (2) (5) Authority uploads the IWVTA/certification results of (4) to DETA (6)-1 MFR obtains the NTA using (3) Registration (6)-2 MFR obtains the NTA based on mass and dimension defined in Japan. (7) MLIT sends the vehicle inspection certificate data information to MOTAS (8) MFR sends the completion inspection certificate (equivalent to CoC) to AIRAC (9) MFR uploads the VIN information of single vehicle to DETA (10) AIRAC acts on the users’ request, provide completion inspection certificate (8) to registration office (11)Registration office checks the completion inspection certificate and VIN information of (9) (12) Vehicle inspection certificate is issued (8) (10) completion inspection certificate completion inspection certificate *In fact, (11) and (12) are not necessary for registration because JPN use MOTAS information. AIRAC (9) VIN Information
e.g. distributors, dealers (approximately 6000)
Current procedures from production start to registration e.g. distributors, dealers (approximately 6000) Vehicle MFR (1) (2) (5) logistics Frame number :GRS (4) Sales department (3) - Vehicle Type (Katashiki) - Approval number - Frame number Frame number : GRS Frame number :GRS *1 Vehicle Inspection Certificate information ・ Vehicle type: DBA-GRS120 ・NTA /certification number:15789 ・Frame Number GRS ・Dimension defined in Japan ・mass defined in Japan ・ Fuel consumption value, ...etc. completion inspection certificate completion inspection certificate AIRAC (1) MFR stamps the frame number for the vehicles designed for Japan Europe: VIN (17 digits) ≠ Japan: frame number (Maximum14 digits) Example of Japan: GRS (2) MFR uses frame number for logistics management (3), (4) MFR provide the information (Vehicle type(“katashiki”), approval number and frame number) to distributors from all over Japan (e.g. Toyota related distributors approx.6000) (5) Distributors register the vehicle using this information (Paper work) Frame number :GRS Vehicle Inspection Certificate data information Registration office Vehicle Inspection Certificate *1 MLIT MOTAS Frame number : GRS Procedure is based on frame number
Future procedure if the process would have to be based on ISO VIN
Vehicle MFR e.g. distributors, dealers (approximately 6000) System amendment logistics Stamping machine modification Sales department System amendment System amendment System amendment System amendment - Vehicle Type (Katashiki) - Approval number - NTA number - VIN System amendment System amendment System amendment *1 Possession information - Vehicle type - NTA number Dimension defined in Japan Mass defined - Fuel consumption value ... ・The Stamping machine needs to be modified at the production plant of the vehicle MFR ・The vehicle MFR needs to amend the system of development, production, logistics system regarding the vehicles designed for Japan for VIN stamping ・distributors from all over Japan need to amend the system regarding the system that uses sales, registration, control for the VIN stamping ・The DETA, AIRAC need to provide and manage the vehicle production information twice. completion inspection certificate completion inspection certificate AIRAC Vehicle inspection certificate information *1 Motor vehicle inspection certificate Registration office DETA MLIT MOTAS *2 Possession information - Vehicle Type - Approval information - VIN VIN Information *2 VIN:JT153AEB X
Conclusions DOC proposal is based on use of VIN number
Japanese registration process is based on frame number Modification of the Japanese process would require changes in numerous systems and tools of manufacturers, distributors, and dealers This would imply significant cost (x Billion Yen = yy Million €) Modifications would have to be performed in a synchronized manner thus complicating the process DOC adds significant complexity and cost without creating any benefits for the Japanese process The concept should be reviewed and considered for introduction in conjunction with a later step of IWVTA implementation
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